Finite element analysis of steady state 2D heat transfer problems. Heat transfer occurs when there is a temperature difference within a body or within a body and its surrounding medium. Conduction and convection problems are solved using this software
- ahmad54445
- AkaameMünchen
- bebyeon
- damian-666Los Angeles based, but often as possible near warm seas with surfable waves
- dudleyhk
- GeoGroupHohai University(河海大学)
- GrouchoChaplin
- HENG-666
- Juns-GitHub
- loongmxbtStarSoul Science&Technology
- Nenex33
- ozmen1
- Starciad『 Brasil 』
- stephanscheidlAustria
- tdxiaoguo666
- UdayrajUR7
- wwwago
- ymbkxc
- Zhao-Pingyu
- zhuaizhuaiyeer
- ZibraMax