
Intro To Web3 For Unity. Full student learning resources for Web3 integration into the Unity game engine.

Intro To Web3 For Unity (All Unity SDKs)

This repo includes best practices and C# Coding Standards for Unity Web3.

The related repos contain the first time user experience of integration with and custom examples of many popular Web3 Unity SDKs.

🌟Star This Repo. Big update is coming :)

Web3 Portolio Highlights

Web3 Public Projects

  • Coming soon...

Web3 Private Projects (Students Only)

Repos are private and for member-students only. Request access through your instructor. Or star the repo. Some links may go public :)

Each may demonstrate; authentication, send assets, fetch assets, calling read/write smartcontracts, and observing smartcontract events.

The batching and ordering are random ;)

Batch A

Batch B

Batch C


  • E - EVM
  • M - Multichain (e.g. golang)
  • S - Solana
  • T - Tezos

"5 Needs" of Every Web3 Game

  1. Auth
  2. Send Assets
  3. Fetch Assets
  4. Read/Write Contracts
  5. Observe Contract Events
Name Chain Tried It Bug-Free Setup 5 Needs WebGL Standalone Leading Choice?
Ankr_Mirage / Docs E βœ… βœ… 1/2/3/4/5 βœ… βœ… βœ…
Chainsafe E βœ… βœ… 1/2/3/4 βœ… βœ… βœ…
Moralis_1x E βœ… βœ… 1/2/3/4/5 βœ… βœ… ❌
Moralis_2x E βœ… ❌ 1 βœ… βœ… ❌
Thirdweb-unity-sdk E βœ… βœ… 1/2/3/4 βœ… ❌ ❌
Loom-sdk M βœ… ❌ 1/2/3/4 βœ… ❌ ❌
Unity-nethereum E βœ… βœ… ? βœ… ❌ ❌


Created By

  • Samuel Asher Rivello
  • Over 25 years XP with game development (2024)
  • Over 11 years XP with Unity (2024)



Provided as-is under MIT License | Copyright Β© 2024 Rivello Multimedia Consulting, LLC