Pinned Repositories
An extension of Aeroplane and Coordinates for a runway takeoff simulation. 90 (4.50). PPA 12.
Some of my progress in Assembly language. This time, displaying codes and sequences with an arduino on a series of LEDs. 93. CS1 5.
A model for a game of Battleships. 92.31. PPA 9.
Artificial Intelligence project designed by UC Berkeley. Designed game agents for the game Pacman using basic, adversarial and stochastic search algorithms, and reinforcement learning concepts. 65.7. AIN 2.
Artificial Intelligence project designed by UC Berkeley. Designed game agents for the game Pacman using basic, adversarial and stochastic search algorithms, and reinforcement learning concepts. 84. Has a very high win-rate of winning 90+% of the time. AIN 1.
A simulation for a harvest that takes place on a farm with multiple fields of crops. Makes use of superclass. 80. PPA 10.
Development in progress of a classic-style JRPG with a few twists.
Project using genetic algorithms and human-assisted learning to evolve predatory behaviour of ghosts in Pac-Man. This leads to successful and creative results without guidance or rules for the agents.
Some simple Java syntax practice. Something to look back to for a refresh.
Python exercises for modders.
SamuelGodwin's Repositories
Development in progress of a classic-style JRPG with a few twists.
Project using genetic algorithms and human-assisted learning to evolve predatory behaviour of ghosts in Pac-Man. This leads to successful and creative results without guidance or rules for the agents.
Some simple Java syntax practice. Something to look back to for a refresh.
An extension of Aeroplane and Coordinates for a runway takeoff simulation. 90 (4.50). PPA 12.
Some of my progress in Assembly language. This time, displaying codes and sequences with an arduino on a series of LEDs. 93. CS1 5.
A model for a game of Battleships. 92.31. PPA 9.
Artificial Intelligence project designed by UC Berkeley. Designed game agents for the game Pacman using basic, adversarial and stochastic search algorithms, and reinforcement learning concepts. 65.7. AIN 2.
Artificial Intelligence project designed by UC Berkeley. Designed game agents for the game Pacman using basic, adversarial and stochastic search algorithms, and reinforcement learning concepts. 84. Has a very high win-rate of winning 90+% of the time. AIN 1.
A simulation for a harvest that takes place on a farm with multiple fields of crops. Makes use of superclass. 80. PPA 10.
A game of the infamous 'wolf, goat and cabbage' problem (river crossing puzzle) - in this case a fox, a goose and some grass. 80. PPA 13.
A bonds and investment analysis system. 74. OSD. (Fix files).
An organiser and parser with login system + minor encryption. Makes use of MVC. 100 (14/14). PPA 14.
Code modelling a ship on its treasure-hunting pursuit around some islands, featuring pirate speak. 61.11. (but model; so 100). PPA 7.
A solution modelling the transactions of a clandestine pirate shop. 90.91. PPA 8.
A prototype project-planning tool, written in Java. 86. SEG Agile.
An application built around statistical analysis of UFO sightings in the USA. Includes a game in section 4: Alien Run 4000. 95.
Python exercises for modders.
100. PPA 5.
More practice working with the basic building blocks of C++: vectors, functions, and classes. A system that returns the gates needed at an airport. Implementation of a class Stack. Treasure hunt, continued. 66.6. PEP 2.
A home-made binary search tree template. 62. PEP 4.
About a Scala interpreter for the esoteric Brainf*** programming language. 6/?. PEP 8.
A system that returns a `Trade' object with the buy and sell time that maximises profit for a vector of prices. Code to work with data about items that are placed at different places on a map, returning distances to these items using the Haversine Formula. Finally, some code for the CircularBuffer class (and some revision). 70. PEP 1.
Some code to answer some coding interview-style questions. 90. PEP 0.
Save game editor for the Final Fantasy Pixel Remaster series.
Scala programs about searching and backtracking. Solves various versions of the Knight’s Tour Problem on a chessboard. 10/?. PEP 7.
A solution modelling the Knight's Tour Problem plus an extension to Trade and Collatz. 100. PEP 9.
An app designed and implemented in liaison with the Nuclear Medicine Department at Chelsea & Westminster Hospital. Educational in order to make medical procedures less daunting for children. 70.
RuneScape Classic client mod & preservation platform
First, a Scala program that tests examples of the 3n+1‑conjecture, also called Collatz conjecture. Secondly, a system for stock portfolio information (reads corresponding CSV-files) such as calculation of the change factor (delta) and profits over time of compound investment. 9/?. PEP 6.
This code solves Sudoku puzzles. 28.6. PEP 5.