
A system that returns a `Trade' object with the buy and sell time that maximises profit for a vector of prices. Code to work with data about items that are placed at different places on a map, returning distances to these items using the Haversine Formula. Finally, some code for the CircularBuffer class (and some revision). 70. PEP 1.

Primary LanguageC++

Buy low, sell high

Run TestTrade.cpp.

e.g. g++ -std=c++11 -o TestTrade TestTrade.cpp, then ./TestTrade (Unix) or TestTrade (Windows).

Run ItemTest.cpp.

e.g. g++ -std=c++11 -o ItemTest ItemTest.cpp, then ./ItemTest (Unix) or ItemTest (Windows).

Run TestCircularBuffer.cpp.

e.g. g++ -std=c++11 -o TestCircularBuffer TestCircularBuffer.cpp, then ./TestCircularBuffer (Unix) or TestCircularBuffer (Windows).

The price of a given commodity can be represented by a vector of prices. For instance:

vector<int> prices {28, 18, 20, 26, 24};

To maximise profit, we would want to buy low and sell high -- in this case, buy at time 1 (when the cost is 18), sell at time 3 (when the cost is 26).

In Trade.h is a function bestBuySellTime that takes a vector of prices and returns a Trade object with the buy and sell time that maximises profit. This function does not live inside any class -- it is to be defined as a global function.


To perform some basic testing on this code, TestTrade.cpp defines a simple test harness for the function bestBuySellTime.

A wider range of test cases can be used, including input vectors that contains millions of numbers -- my code is able to handle these with modest resources (10 seconds of CPU on a desktop machine, and 0.5GB of RAM).

Treasure hunt

Code to work with data about items that are placed at different places on a map, each of which is available for just 15 minutes starting at a certain number of seconds past the hour.

Items are described by four properties:

  • Their latitude (a number in degrees, e.g. 51.75087595155126)
  • Their longitude (a number in degrees, e.g. -0.33483137537806396)
  • A string ID
  • The time at which they become available: an integral number of seconds past the hour

In Item.h is a class Item that contains these as private member variables.

The operator<< function in Item.h is for printing out Item objects, so that the following code will work:

Item strand(51.5115, -0.116, "StrandCampus", 600);
cout << strand << endl;

...and will produce output of the form:

{latitude, longitude, "ID", time}

...in this case:

{51.5115, -0.116, "StrandCampus", 600}

A class function distanceTo takes another Item, and returns the distance to it in metres. To compute this distance the Haversine Formula is used, implemented using the following pseudo-code:

dlon = lon2 - lon1
dlat = lat2 - lat1
a = pow((sin(dlat/2)), 2) + cos(lat1) * cos(lat2) * pow((sin(dlon/2)), 2)
c = 2 * atan2( sqrt(a), sqrt(1-a) )
distance = R * c (where R is the radius of the Earth)

Note that this pseudo-code assumes the latitude and longitude are in radians, whereas my class stores them in degrees - they are converted to radians first. I assume R, the radius of the earth in metres, is 6373000.


In Item.h is a class Item.

To test this code, you can compile and run ItemTest.cpp.

A circular buffer

Circular buffers use a fixed-size block of memory to temporary buffer data. For instance, keypresses on the keyboard put characters in the buffer; and when the operating system is ready to process them, it reads characters from the buffer.

The buffer starts as being empty. For instance, if we had a buffer of size 5 it would look like:

[ | | | | ]

If we then write 'a' and 'b' into the buffer it would look like:

[ a | b | | | ]

...and then removing the next item in the buffer would give:

[ | b | | | ]

If we continue to write elements into the buffer, e.g. 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f' then when the end is reached, elements start being written into any spare space at the start:

[ f | b | c | d | e ]

At this point the buffer is full. We can't write any more data to it -- in the case of keyboard buffers, the computer would start beeping. We can remove an element though, which always removes the oldest, i.e. the letter 'b', which would leave the buffer:

[ f | | c | d | e ]

We could then remove the next element (c), or as there is now a space again, write another character into the buffer.

It has the functions:

  1. count() which returns how many things are in the buffer
  2. full() which returns true iff the buffer is full
  3. add() which takes a character and adds it to the buffer (you can assume the buffer is not full -- you do not need to implement error handling)
  4. remove() which removes and returns the next character from the buffer (you can assume the buffer is not empty -- you do not need to implement error handling)


In the file CircularBuffer.h is a definition of the CircularBuffer class. The implementation is based on a vector of characters.

To test this code, you can compile and run TestCircularBuffer.cpp.