1 Python CheatSheet


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1.1 Python Compact Coding

if … returnif k == 0: return False
if… continueif index == icol: continue
return if.. elsereturn val if i>0 else 0
multiple assignmentl, r = 2, 3
assign with check of nonea = b if b else 1
swap valuesleft, right = right, left
list Comprehensions[x*x for x in range(1, 1001)]
list Comprehensionsl = [2, 3, 5]; [2*x for x in l if x>2]
use zipfor a, b in zip(nums, nums[3:])
build a listdp = [1] + [0]*3
sum a subarraysum(nums[0:k])
sort list in descending ordersorted(nums, reverse=True)
dictionary with defaultsm = collections.defaultdict(lambda: 1)
loop with single statementwhile p.left: p = p.left
print multiple valuesprint(x, y)
get both index and itemfor i, ch in enumerate(["a", "b", "c"]): print(i, ch)
mod negative(-2)%5

1.2 Python Common Algorithms

trie treecode/tree-trie.py
python SemaphoreLeetcode: Print Zero Even Odd

1.3 List

return all but lastlist[:-1]
The second last itemlist[-2] or list[~1]
mapmap(lambda x: str(x), [1, 2, 3])
create fixed size arrayl = [None] * 5
append an elementarray.append(var)
insert elements to headarray.insert(0,var)
delete element by indexdel a[1]
list as stackitem = l.pop()
sort in descendingl=sorted([8, 2, 5], reverse=True)
sort by attributel=sorted([(‘ebb’,12),(‘abc’,14)], key=lambda x: x[1])
in-place sortl.sort()
generate a-zmap(chr, range(ord('a'), ord('z')+1))
map/reducefunctools.reduce((lambda x, y: "%s %s" % (x, y)), l)
replace ith to jthlist[i:j] = otherlist
combine two listlist1 + list2
get sumsum(list)
unique listset(["Blah", "foo", "foo", 1, 1, 2, 3])
Insert to sorted listbisect.insort(l, 3)
Reverse a listl[::-1]

1.4 String

reverse string‘hello world’[::-1]
array to string’ ‘.join([‘a’, ‘b’])
split string to array“hello, python”.split(“,”)
string to arraylist('abc')
format to 2 digitsprint "%02d" % (13)
capitalize string‘hello world’.capitalize()
upper/lower string‘aBc’.upper(), ‘aBc’.lower()
count substring‘2-5g-3-J’.count(‘-‘)
pad leading zero‘101’.zfill(10)
string remove tailing ‘0’‘0023’.rstrip(‘0’)
string remove leading ‘0’‘0023’.lstrip(‘0’)
check if string represent integer‘123’.isdigit()
check if string alphabetic‘aBc’.isalpha()
Check if string alphanumeric‘a1b’.isalnum()
find location of substring‘abc’.find(‘d’)= (returns -1)
find location of substring‘abc’.index(‘d’)= (raise exception)
replace string‘ab cd’.replace(‘=’,=”)
padd whitespace to the left‘a’.ljust(10,=’=’)
padd whitespace to the right‘a’.rjust(10,=’=’)

1.5 Integer

max, minsys.maxsize, -sys.maxsize-1
min, maxmin(2, 3), max(5, 6, 2)
generate rangefor num in range(10,20)
get asciiord('a'), chr(97)
print integer in binary“{0:b}”.format(10)

1.6 Dict & Set

dict get first elementm[m.keys()[0]]
list to setset(list1)
remove from sets.remove(2)
remove the first from sets.pop()
sort dict by valuessorted(dict1, key=dict1.get)
deep copy dictimport copy; m2=copy.deepcopy(m1)

1.7 Bit Operator

modx % 2
shift leftx << 1; a << 2
shift righx >> 2
andx & y
xorx ^ y
power2 ** 3
bool complementnot x
binary formatbin(5) (get 101)
count 1 inside binarybin(5).count('1')

1.8 File

Append fileopen("/tmp/test.txt", "ab").write("\ntest:")
Write fileopen("/tmp/test.txt", "wab").write("\ntest:")
Read filesf.readlines()
Check fileos.path.exists("/tmp/test.txt")

1.9 Math

sqrtimport math; math.sqrt(5)
powerimport math; math.pow(2, 3)
randomrandom.randint(1, 10) 1 and 10 included
eval stringeval("2-11*2")

1.10 Networking

Start a simple HTTP serverpython -m SimpleHTTPServer <port_number>

1.11 Queue/heapq

Initialize min heapheapq.heapify(q)
heappush a tupleq=[]; heapq.heappush(q, (5, 'ab'))
popprint (heapq.heappop(q))
first itemq[0]
print heapqprint list(q)
create a queuefrom collections import deque; queue = deque([1,5,8,9])
append queuequeue.append(7)
pop queue from headelement = queue.popleft()

Review: Heap Problems


1.11.1 minheap & maxheap

import heapq

# initializing list
li = [5, 7, 9, 1, 3]

# using heapify to convert list into heap
heapq.heapify(li) # a minheap
heapq._heapify_max(li) # for a maxheap!

# printing created heap
print (list(li))

# using heappush() to push elements into heap
# pushes 4

# printing modified heap
print (list(li))

# using heappop() to pop smallest element
print (heapq.heappop(li))

print (list(li))

1.12 Code snippets

  • Initialize Linkedlist from array
def initListNodeFromArray(self, nums):
    head = ListNode(None)
    prev, p = head, head
    for num in nums:
        pre = p
        p.val = num
        q = ListNode(None)
        p.next = q
        p = p.next
    pre.next = None
    return head
  • Print linkedlist
def printListNode(self, head):
    while head:
        print("%d" % (head.val))
        head = head.next
  • Print Trie Tree in level order
def printTrieTreeLevelOrder(self, node):
    if node.is_word:
        print("Node is a word")
    queue = []
    while len(queue) != 0:
        s = ''
        for i in range(len(queue)):
            node = queue[0]
            del queue[0]
            for child_key in node.children:
                s = '%s %s' % (s, child_key)
        if s != '':
            print 'print level children: %s' % (s)
  • python sort with customized cmp function: -1 first
nums = [3, 2, 6]
def myCompare(v1, v2):
    return -1
sorted_nums = sorted(nums, cmp=myCompare)
print nums # [3, 2, 6]
print sorted_nums # [6, 3, 2]
  • Initialize m*n matrix
col_count, row_count = 3, 2
matrix = [[None for j in range(col_count)] for i in range(row_count)]
print matrix

1.13 More Resources

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