- hcDMR caller is for calling high confidence DMRs by comparing with multiple controls using whole genome bisulfite sequencing data. For details, see Ref. [1].
You can download all the scripts from above link /main. The /reference files can be downloaded from googledrive: https://drive.google.com/open?id=12gNDSECm289dTL2ys6AA8SzB88drmMhW
- input_file_name.bam WGBS mapped read file
- Ath_ChrAll.fa It is a fasta file of A. thaliana genome (TAIR10), which can be found in the folder /Reference
- methratio_alt.py This scirpt was from Package of BSMAP, generating methratio file
python methratio_alt.py --Steve --ref=Ath_ChrAll.fa --out=input_file_name -u -z -r input_file_name.bam
- input_file_name.gz output from methratio_alt.py script
- TAIR10_v2.cytosine.gz can be found in the folder /Reference
- BSmap_to_cytosine.pl
perl BSmap_to_cytosine.pl --input_file input_file_name.gz --reference_cytosine TAIR10_v2.cytosine.gz
- input_file_name.cytosine.gz output from BSmap2cytosine.pl
- Cytosine_to_100bp.pl
perl Cytosine_to_100bp.pl input_file_name.cytosine.gz
This step will output three files (types of CHH, CHG, CG methylation) containing methylation level along the genome in 100bp bin:
- input_file_name.CHH.100.gz
- input_file_name.CHG.100.gz input_file_name.CG.100.gz
- 100bp bin files: input_file_name.CHH.100.gz input_file_name.CHG.100.gz input_file_name.CG.100.gz
- 54 WT dataset: CHH.100.54WT.Ref.gz CHG.100.54WT.Ref.gz CG.100.54WT.Ref.gz can be found in the folder /Reference
- hcDMR_caller.pl
perl hcDMR_caller.pl -ref CHH.100.54WT.Ref.gz -input input_file_name.CHH.100.gz -dif 0.1 -n 33
perl hcDMR_caller.pl -ref CHG.100.54WT.Ref.gz -input input_file_name.CHG.100.gz -dif 0.2 -n 33
perl hcDMR_caller.pl -ref CG.100.54WT.Ref.gz -input input_file_name.CG.100.gz -dif 0.4 -n 33
- input_file_name.CHH.DMR
- input_file_name.CHG.DMR
- input_file_name.CG.DMR
For this step, you can use Fisher exact test during the comparision between test library and WT controls, but it will increase the computational time greatly:
- 100bp bin files: input_file_name.CHH.100.gz input_file_name.CHG.100.gz input_file_name.CG.100.gz
- 54 WT dataset: CHH.100.54WT.Ref.FET.gz CHG.100.54WT.Ref.FET.gz CG.100.54WT.Ref.FET.gz can be found in the folder /Reference
- hcDMR_caller_FET.pl
perl hcDMR_caller_FET.pl -ref CHH.100.54WT.Ref.FET.gz -input input_file_name.CHH.100.gz -dif 0.1 -n 33 -p 0.01
perl hcDMR_caller_FET.pl -ref CHG.100.54WT.Ref.FET.gz -input input_file_name.CHG.100.gz -dif 0.2 -n 33 -p 0.01
perl hcDMR_caller_FET.pl -ref CG.100.54WT.Ref.FET.gz -input input_file_name.CG.100.gz -dif 0.4 -n 33 -p 0.01
- input_file_name.CHH.FET.DMR
- input_file_name.CHG.FET.DMR
- input_file_name.CG.FET.DMR
You can create an issue if you find errors in the manual or bugs in the source code, or have any suggestions/questions about the manual and code. Thank you!
We thank Christopher J Hale for modifying methratio.py from BSMAP and generating TAIR10_v2.cytosine.gz.
If you use hcDMR caller in your published work, we kindly ask you to cite the following paper which describes the central algorithms used in hcDMR caller:
- [1] Large-scale comparative epigenomics reveals hierarchical regulation of non-CG methylation in Arabidopsis. 2017. XXX
- [2] BSMAP: whole genome bisulfite sequence MAPping program. BMC Bioinformatics. 2009 Jul 27;10:232.