
This repo contains the implementation of industrial software system (ARIAC), introduced by NIST (National Institute of Standards & Technology). It is a part of ENPM 663 coursework.

Primary LanguagePython

ENPM663 ARIAC Group2

  • ARIAC task flow for Kitting task, using ROS2 (Galactic), c++, moveit, Yolo and Python.

Team Members:

  1. Yashveer Jain
  2. Mayank Sharma
  3. Abraruddin Syed
  4. Dhruv Sharma

Instructions to run rwa4

Make sure that the trial file rwa4_spring2024.yaml is put in the ariac_gazebo package in the config folder. Then do the following steps to run:

  • Clone the package in the src of the ARIAC workspace
  • cd in to the workspace ariac_ws/
cd ariac_ws/
  • Build the package using

    colcon build --packages-select robot_commander_msgs
    colcon build --packages-select rwa5_2
  • Run in the chronology

    • First terminal
    source install/setup.bash
    ros2 launch rwa5_2 move_robot.launch.py
    ros2 launch rwa5_2 ariac_interface.launch.py 
    • Second terminal
    source install/setup.bash
     ros2 launch ariac_gazebo ariac.launch.py trial_name:=final_spring2024 sensor_name:=sensors competitor_pkg:=rwa5_2