
Method to use Boost named_mutex to launch nodes in a specific order.

Primary LanguageCMake


Method to use Boost named-mutex to launch nodes in a specific order.


  • Boost
sudo apt install libboost1.58-all-dev
  • Edit CMakeLists.txt and add Boost. Refer the given CMakeLists.txt
  • C++ 11
    • Edit CMakeLists.txt and add following line


  • Create a catkin workspace
mkdir ~/catkin_ws
cd ~/catkin_ws
  • Clone this repository
git clone https://github.com/SarathM1/ROS_Mutex.git ~/catkin_ws/src
  • Build using catkin_make

Running the code

Using ROS launchfile

roslaunch mutex_init launchFile.launch

Using Tmuxinator

Install tmuxinator using sudo apt install tmuxinator

  • Edit ~/catkin_ws/src/.tmuxinator.yml file
  • Start tmux session using commands below
cd ~/catkin_ws/src
mux .


  • mutex_init_node of mutex_init package must run before all nodes
  • After that run each node in the order of filename node1_mutex_node, node2_mutex_node and so on