
A Verilog Code to mimic the functionality of the 8255 Interfacing Integrated Circuit

Primary LanguageVerilog


A Verilog Code to mimic the functionality of the 8255 Interfacing Integrated Circuit Contains 38 pins

  • Input ->
  1. wrb (write bar)
  2. rdb (read bar)
  3. address [2:0 ]
  4. reset (to initialize it )

InOut Ports ->

  1. data [7:0]
  2. PortA [7:0]
  3. PortB [7:0]
  4. PortC [7:0]

It operates in three modes - Mode 0 - where the three ports operate as input or output buses Mode 1 - where PortA and PortB operate as strobed input or output , and PortC supports in controlling Mode 2 - where PortA operates as strobed inout, Port b as simple input or output( same as in Mode 0 ) and PortC supports the functionality.


Mode 0 -> Done

Reading and Writing CWR and STATUS Register -> Done

Mode 1 -> Done

Mode 2 -> Done


  1. Verilog Coding for Logic Synthesis by Weng Fook Lee (Wiley Publication)
  2. http://www.asic-world.com/verilog/veritut.html
  3. https://www.fpga4student.com/
  4. Verilog HDL - A Guide to Digital System and Synthesis by Samir Palnitkar