
Useful Verilog HDL Codes which can be used in multiple design systems.

Primary LanguageVerilog


Useful Verilog HDL Codes which can be used in multiple design systems.

For Icarus Verilog, these are some useful commands.

For creating file : geany file1.v ( I use the Geany Editor) Close the file after the work is done

For compiling :

                      iverilog file1.v -o outputfile1
                      vvp outputfile1 

For simulation :

                     iverilog -o mysim file1.v file1_tb.v 
                     vvp mysim 

For Waveform generation : In the testbench, write this

                 module test1_tb.v 
                    $dumpfile("file1waveform.vcd") ; 
                    $dumpvars(0, test1_tb.v) ; //0 means we are dumping all variables 

then do this : gtkwave file1waveform.vcd

Cool Tip:

                            Whenever you are writing a code in Verilog, to avoid confusion where to assign wires and registers, always prefix your code with "r_" or "w_". This way, you will always assign the register values inside the always block, and wire values always outside the always block. 
                                      reg  r_LED_1    = 1'b0;
                                      reg  r_Switch_1 = 1'b0;
                                      wire w_Switch_1;