
Pipeline for analysis of Puccinia striiformis f.sp. tritici genomic reads

Primary LanguageHTMLGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0



Pipeline for analysis of Puccinia striiformis f.sp. tritici genomic reads


Before installing, ensure the licences of miniconda and software dependencies in env.yml are compatible with your usage.

The installer:

  • Installs conda (miniconda)
  • Installs dependencies from eny.yml into the environment marple-pst
  • Runs tests with test/run_tests.sh

For WSL, you should keep the marple-pst directory in the Linux file sytem (e.g. ~/marple-pst), and not the windows file system (e.g. /mnt/c/Users/me/Documents/marple-pst) as you may get an error:

OSError: [Errno 40] Too many levels of symbolic links


Let's go through the pipeline using a fictional example.

In this example, 2 samples have already been sequenced (using nanpore sequencing) and basecalled using Guppy.

Our starting point is a directory for each sample containing the fastq files created by Guppy.

sample name reads directory
Norfolk-1 example/fastq/barcode01
Warrior_10 example/fastq/barcode02
  1. Reset the example

  2. Navigate to the example directory and make a new directory for each sample.

    cd example
    mkdir -p Norfolk-1 Warrior_10
  3. We need a single fastq for each sample, so combine all the fastq files for barcode01 into one. Do the same for barcode02.

    cat fastq/barcode01/*.fastq > Norfolk-1/Norfolk-1.fastq
    cat fastq/barcode02/*.fastq > Warrior_10/Warrior_10.fastq
  4. Align the reads for each sample to the reference genes, extract the exons, and create a report

    ../src/reads_to_exons_concat.sh Norfolk-1/Norfolk-1.fastq Warrior_10/Warrior_10.fastq
  5. Inspect the report by opening example/multiqc_report.html in your browser

  6. Use the extracted and concatenated exons of the new samples to create a tree

    ../src/exons_concat_to_tree_imgs.sh \
        --start ../data/8_isolates_388_genes_exons.fasta.gz \
        --out_dir tree \
        --name 2_new_samples \

    In this example we use a starting tree input containing only 8 isolates to save time.

    When you run this with real samples, use ../data/57_isolates_388_genes_exons.fasta.gz which contains 57 isolates.

  7. Inspect the tree by opening example/tree/2_new_samples_country.pdf in your browser.

    Notice how country is shown as '?' for the new samples. We'll fix that in the next step.

  8. Copy the metadata spreadsheet data/metadata_264_isolates.xlsx and rename it so that you have example\metadata_264_isolates_2_new_samples.xlsx.

    Add the new sample metadata to the spreadsheet so that the top 3 rows look like this:

    tree_name tree_new_name country nextstrain_group region author other_names genetic_group
    Norfolk-1 Norfolk-1 UK Europe
    Warrior_10 Warrior_10 UK Europe
  9. Use this metadata to make a new visualisation of the tree

    ../src/tree_to_imgs.sh \
        --meta metadata_264_isolates_2_new_samples.xlsx \
        --out_dir tree_with_new_metadata \
  10. Inspect the new visualisation of the tree by opening example/tree_with_new_metadata/2_new_samples_country.pdf in your browser.

    The country of our 2 new samples is now showing correctly.

If you get stuck and want to see what the output should look like, then run this from the marple-pst directory:



See pipeline.md for a flowchart of the pipeline.


Align reads to reference genes then extract and concatenate exons

  --ref                 Reference FASTA file to align reads to.
  --gff                 Annotation file giving the position of exons within the
                        reference genes. Genes should be specificied as if 
                        everything was on the + strand.
  --multiqc_config      MultiQC config file for creating the report.
  --threads             Number of threads to use.
  --trim                Should FASTQ files be trimmed (yes/no).
  fastq1 ... fastqn     Read files for aligning to the reference genes. 
                        Output for each read will be created in the same
                        directory as the fastq file.
Create and visualise a tree with new samples

  --meta            Path to spreadsheet containing isolate metadata and styles.
  --start           Starting tree input, i.e. concatenated exons file for 
                    previously sequenced samples.
  --name            Name to use as a prefix for all created tree files.
  --out_dir         Directory to create tree files in.
  --threads         Number of threads to use for RAxML.
  --img_fmt         Format to output tree images as.
  exon_concat_paths Concatenated exons file for new samples to add to the tree.
Visualise a tree

  --meta        Path to spreadsheet containing isolate metadata and styles.
  --out_dir     Directory to create tree files in.
  --img_fmt     Format to output tree images as.
  newick_path   Tree in Newick format.

With all of the above you can use:

  -h          Show a help message and exit.
  --version   Show the marple-pst version number and exit.


Run all the tests (roughly 2 minutes):


Run the tests and report code coverage:

./test/run_tests.sh coverage

Skip the end to end test and integration tests

./test/run_tests.sh skip_integration skip_end_to_end


  • Deletes the marple-pst environment and its packages
  • Deletes marple_pst_miniconda.sh and marple_pst_miniconda