
humanoid robot called InMoov from HTL Weiz Robotic Team

Primary LanguagePython


Motor Controller Pinout:


Motor Sensor PWM Dir
M1 S1 -> A0 D10 D12 + D13
M2 S2 -> A1 D9 D11 + D8
M3 S3 -> A2 D6 D5 + D7
M4 S4 -> A6 D3 D4 + D2

LED_Pin: A3 I2C_Pins: A4,A5





Stuff to do:


    • Skeleton tracking
    • Nuitrack stability
    • auto cam select
    • Gesture recognition
    • Follow me
    • Speech recognition

New software-core IO(Thomas):

  • Out:
    • Servo/Actuators
    • Speech/Sounds
    • Mobility
    • Connected Actuator Boards
    • Actuator Angles (Maybe Visu)
  • IN:
    • Speech
    • Position
    • Distance/Angle to Obstacle
    • Distance/Angle to Person
    • Distance/Angle/Height of Object
    • Gyro Data for stabilization
  • Pre-Input: (befor progam start)
    • gestures/Commands
    • Voice Lines / text to speech
    • Operation Limits (Virtual Border)


    • Actuator-Boards more 5V Power
    • New Motor Controller PCB
    • Electrical Error Detection(Pulldowns missing)
    • Mechanical Error Detection
    • Poti reverse
    • Disable slowspeed upwards
    • Collision avoidance Lidar or Camera
    • Floor detection/fall down steps avoidance
    • Gyro-Sensor (Chest) (tip prevention) [maybe]
    • noise filters for all motors


    • Shoulder out-Actuator
    • Laptop holder
    • Omni-wheels
    • better omni-wheels
    • Arc - Reactor
    • Instalation of Potis
    • Lubrication of Gearboxes
    • print replacement parts with better materials/spezifications


    • InMoovACP (Arduino Connect Protocol):
      • 2 Bytes <- Protocol length
      • 1st Byte:
        • 1 = BoardMotorController,
        • 2 = RGB,
        • 3 = Left hand side,
        • 4 = Middle,
        • 5 = Right hand side
      • 2nd Byte:
        • 0 = not Used (if 1st Byte is 1 or 2)
        • 1 = Hand,
        • 2 = Head,
        • 3 = Actuator (since there is max one per side)
    • InMoovAATP (Actuator Angle Transfer Protocol):

      • ;
      • Servo/Motor number(0 = All)
      • ,
      • Angle of Servo/Motor

      Example: ;0,90 --> All to 90 ;1,180 --> Ak. 1 to 180

    • New backwards compatible InMoovAATP (Actuator Angle Transfer Protocol):

      • ; - AktuatorPlatine Nummer
        • 1 - linke Hand
        • 2 - linke Schulter
        • 3 - rechte Hand
        • 4 - rechte Schulter
        • 5 - Torso
        • 6 - Head
        • 7 - Board
      • Servo/Motor number(0 = All)
      • ,
      • Angle of Servo/Motor

      Example: ;10,90 --> Linke hand All to 90 ;41,180 --> rechte Schulter Ak. 1 to 180


    • serial_arr indexes:
      • 0 -> Board
      • 1 -> RGB
      • 2 -> Left Hand
      • 3 -> Left Actuator
      • 4 -> Head
      • 5 -> Middle Actuator
      • 6 -> Right Hand
      • 7 -> Right Actuator

Serial Arduino assignment

    • Kopf:
      • 1 -> Auf/Ab
      • 2 -> Neigen
      • 3 -> NO FUNCTION
      • 4 -> Drehen
      • 5 -> Rechtes Auge
      • 6 -> Linkes Auge