Simple "The incredible machines"-like game made entirely in HTML (Canvas) with JS and CSS (SCSS)
Whole application is written by me, including physics engine (no external libraries used!)
Project finished as in terms of basic functionalities. Still more development is needed. (v.1.0).
There is only one playable "level" with main functionalities. More to come:
- rotated objects DONE
- collisions with rotated objects DONE
- better gravity DONE
- mass and force DONE
- more object types DONE
- better interactions
- bigger levels
- inventory
- actually playable levels instead of just a show-off
The whole magic of bouncing, gravity, drawing is done in JavaScript.
JS is responsible, beside timer and button functions, for:
- drawing things on HTML Canvas element
- gravity of a moving object
- collision detection
- bouncing back
It was amazingly hard for a person without any physical or mathematical background, but, thanks to a couple of readings, I have finally got it working.
Whole development needed a lot of work and, many times, a change of way of thinking, a change of assumptions and, finally, a change of the way how a whole programm is behaving (commits like: "Gravity works!" followed by "Gravity doesn't work" aren't rare).
For everything that has been done here, I would like to thank countless authors (questioners and answerers, both) on Stack Overflow and on their own blog pages, who helped me grasp a concept of how physics works in games and pointed me to the direction of algorithms, that I, without technical background, never heard of (but now I did!)
I would like to thank my dad who spent countless hours helping me with complicated equation derivations.
I would like to thank colleagues and tutors from Coder's Lab Front End course, who helped me see what was wrong with code, that I thought was fine (that is mainly for you, Ada!)