Add a support of PT100RTD sensors and Adafruit MAX31865
ZH-A opened this issue · 3 comments
Trying to figure out how to set up the PT100 RTD sensor and Adafruit MAX31865.
Please have a look at espressiot/sensor_tsic.ino and espressiot/simulation.ino. You need to provide the functions setupSensor (to initialize), updateTempSensor (perform reading) and getTemp (conversion and return of measurement). Currently I am switching via #defines which is not optimal. I have started a more object-oriented approach with an interface in the Platformio-branch, but unfortunately this is not completely finished and tested. Any help is very welcome if you'd like to contribute.
Thanks for the answer, I see what I can do.
Tell me please what these variables mean
float lastT = 0.0;
float SumT = 0.0;
int CntT = 0;
and what happens in this functions:
void updateTempSensor() {
if (abs(millis() - lastSensTime) >= TSIC_SMP_TIME) {
if(TSens1.getTemperature(&raw_temp)) {
float curT = TSens1.calc_Celsius(&raw_temp);
// very simple selection of noise hits/invalid values
if(abs(curT-lastT)<1.0 || lastT<1) {
float getTemp() {
float retVal=gInputTemp;
if(CntT>=1) {
return retVal;
I'm new to programming and still learning and I still don't understand some points
Is this issue still open? Please have a look at the sensor-code at - this should solve it. Will be merged into master very soon.