- agerlach
- AlCap23Otto-von-Guericke University
- arlk
- azev77Fowler College of Business, SDSU
- cal-miller-harvardUniversity of Colorado, Boulder
- cameronperotEarth
- chengchingwen
- ChrisRackauckasMassachusetts Institute of Technology
- cscherrerRedpoll
- dcabecinhas
- gabrevayaUniversity of Buenos Aires
- garborgMinneapolis, MN
- greimelUniversity of Vienna
- helgeeDFS Deutsche Flugsicherung GmbH
- Jasha10
- jlapeyre@IBM Quantum
- jw3126Freiburg, Germany
- LibbumCSTO @nala-earth
- lostellaAWS @aws @awslabs
- magonser
- marius311Berkeley, CA
- MasonProtterCologne, Germany
- metanoid
- musmUniversity of Calgary
- pieverTrieste, Italy
- rdbrackstonZenobe
- scheidanEawag: Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology
- sefffalVictoria, British Columbia
- SergeStinckwich@UNU-Macau
- sethaxen@mlcolab
- signorgelatoChicago
- thaewraptSelf-Employment, Inc.
- tshortElectric Power Research Institute
- y1my1
- zekeriyasariDokuz Eylül University