Lightweight and easy generation of quasi-Monte Carlo sequences with a ton of different methods on one API for easy parameter exploration in scientific machine learning (SciML)
- adrhillTU Berlin
- agerlach
- anandijainSan Jose CA, Boston MA
- andrewherrenAustin, TX, USA
- arnavsCarnegie Mellon
- bplcnDepartment of Engineering Mechanics, Hohai University
- chrischia06London, United Kingdom
- ChrisRackauckasMassachusetts Institute of Technology
- cscherrer@BasisResearch
- dmetivieINRAE, MISTEA
- emerali@PIQuIL
- Evan1415London, United Kingdom
- Felix039
- FredericWantiezLondon, UK
- HugoStrandÖrebro University
- JackaChouDalian University of Technology
- jhfranklinLondon, UK
- JHonakerColumbus, Ohio
- KirillZubovTbilisi
- kishore-nori
- krystophnyGraz University of Technology
- leonandonayreUniversity of Iceland (Háskóli Íslands)
- luap-pikBerlin, Germany
- noisyoscillatorBangalore, India
- pauljmyers@tempuslabs
- pitmonticoneUniversity of Trento
- PostQuantumTsinghua University
- resulalNovo Nordisk
- Sayam753Punjab, India
- sazioVision Institute | École Normale Supérieure
- stjordanisGreece
- thompsonmjImageomics Institute, The Ohio State University
- tlienartEU
- uncomfyhalomacroTRIBE
- Vaibhavdixit02MIT
- xiaomingfu2013Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf