Tutorials for doing scientific machine learning (SciML) and high-performance differential equation solving with open source software.
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#549 opened by Mohammedmaaz541 - 3
No constructors defined
#544 opened by lakshaya17 - 1
About GSoC
#543 opened by DMax1314 - 4
Unable to weave tutorials
#536 opened by AlexanderSimWS - 2
add jump tutorials
#431 opened by isaacsas - 2
Does tutorial "Optimizing diffeq code" need revision due to change in Julia internals?
#277 opened by KZiemian - 1
update advanced ODE solving tutorial
#265 opened by ChrisRackauckas - 9
DiffEqBiological packages outdated
#509 opened by rlars - 1
Double Pendulum example lacks explanations
#529 opened by muendlein - 2
SciML Tutorial attempts to simultaneously use keywords vars and idxs in Plot, which is not supported.
#531 opened by djinnome - 5
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as for code readable, I have a little suggestion
#528 opened by phpsmarter - 5
ModelingToolkit tutorial errors
#503 opened by cobac - 3
SciMLTutorials install loop
#479 opened by BouarfaMahi - 1
Common solver options page broken and insecure
#476 opened by sharanry - 3
TagBot trigger issue
#357 opened by JuliaTagBot - 1
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#71 opened by ChrisRackauckas - 2
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Remove the PDFs?
#267 opened by ChrisRackauckas - 83
Build Trigger Log
#174 opened by ChrisRackauckas - 3
Pluto versions of notebooks?
#420 opened by metanoid - 2
Ability to set certain tutorials to use a different machine (for GPUs)
#419 opened by ChrisRackauckas - 5
How to deal with sparse Hamiltonians ?
#344 opened by devmessias - 2
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No more Pkg.Display?
#377 opened by sdwfrost - 13
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Dependent Packages problem
#359 opened by BuddhiLW - 0
Update DiffEqUncertainty for new interface
#343 opened by agerlach - 6
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model inference refuses to build
#271 opened by ChrisRackauckas - 0
Some exercises are missing
#270 opened by ChrisRackauckas - 6
Fix Monte Carlo ParamEstim
#268 opened by ChrisRackauckas - 10
Bug in 08 Kolmogorov.jl
#168 opened by finmod - 6
Have a script to automatically detect changes to a tutorial and weave those tutorials
#161 opened by Vaibhavdixit02 - 2
How can I run the interactive notebook
#157 opened by FantasyVR - 3
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Switched axis labels for pendulum phase space plot
#131 opened by jonniedie - 5
Unsatisfiable requirements detected
#128 opened by arnim - 2
Error When Following Heat Eqn. Tutorial
#80 opened by nick4110 - 3
small typo in Chemical Langevin Equation
#76 opened by chvandorp - 5
footer in scripts
#48 opened by isaacsas - 3
How to stop a integration before end time
#77 opened by kuro26 - 1
Missing dependencies
#64 opened by goggle - 4
Notebooks displayed in Jupyter are not ordered
#60 opened by goggle - 0
#59 opened by ChrisRackauckas - 10
Add more dependencies to DiffEqTutorials?
#54 opened by bjodah - 1
Weave related issues
#50 opened by isaacsas - 2