
C++ client API for data management pipeline

Primary LanguagePythonBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause

C++ data management library for Covid19 RAMP

Licensed under BSD 3-clause, as all other https://github.com/ScottishCovidResponse project. Copyright ScottishCovidResponseConsortium 2020

Except for files under "third-party", "code_generator" folders

This repo is not a completed project yet, esp. python code_generator, which was developed by Qingfeng Xia's weekend/non-office hours. The code_generator will be developed in the author's personal github to be some kind of usefulness.

IMPORTANT NOTICE The latest C++ Pipeline API will be based on pybind11 wrapping of Python Pipeline API. https://github.com/ScottishCovidResponse/data_pipeline_api/tree/cppbinding-dev/bindings/cpp

Work on this repo as a trial of pure C++ implementation will stop for the moment. Some of the files will be merged to https://github.com/ScottishCovidResponse/data_pipeline_api/tree/cppbindings/bindings/cpp

In this repo, currently, it has a python code generator and HDF5IO.h to save c++ data class into HDF5 file without using/knowing HDF5 API, some other model input and result types definition.

June 26 2020

Introduction RAMP

Data pipeline

Unified data management and workflow

Model cross-validation PPT: UoGlasgow Team shared files

Zulip link: https://zulip.scrc.uk/#narrow/stream/14-Data/topic/Questions.20about.20the.20new.20data.20system

@Richard Reeve: who is PM for data management @Ian Hinder: who is lead RSE for the other C++ project, @Chris Hughes: who has been working out a lot of the requirement/design details

more doc in university glasgow Team "Files"

API design



Python API https://github.com/ScottishCovidResponse/data_pipeline_api/tree/master/data_pipeline_api

R data API https://github.com/ScottishCovidResponse/SCRCdataAPI

Data store/registry: http://data.scrc.uk/

Data registry: database schema https://github.com/ScottishCovidResponse/data-registry

meta data definition diagram https://dbdiagram.io/d/5ebbb29439d18f5553ff207e

@Richard Blackwell is working on putting simple_network_sim files in there at the moment DataObjects: Data Store
Source Source Version Data Product Processing Script Processing Script Version Data Product Version Data Product Version Component Model Model Version Model Run

Projects/models use C++ Data Pipeline API

  • EERAModel
  • covid-sim
  • CoronaBICI

Ian's Cpp binding of Python Pipeline API

As the repo has not impl model input DataPipeline API, currently or perhaps model input should use Ian/s binding https://github.com/ScottishCovidResponse/data_pipeline_api/tree/cppbindings/bindings/cpp

One point to discuss is, what should be the type returned from read_table() that can be shared widely?

Ian made his own Table class, There is third-party full-featured CSV single header library.

use HDF5IO.h with Ian's DataPipeline.h

The not-implemented DataPipeline.h has be removed from from this repo, so this repo can work together with Ian's cppbinding.

The currently workflow for HDF5 IO (manual workflow)

  • copy all classes to written into HDF5, e.g. particle or later more general result c++ class type, into a header file EERA_types.h, as input to the hdf5_generator.py

  • hdf5_generator.py is a python code generator, aiming to generate H5:CompType instance for almost any C++ class see more in <code_generator/Readme.md>

  • HDF5IO.h read and write any class with the generated H5:CompType instance in the generated *_types_hdf5.h

HDF5IO.h is a head-only lib, just put include/ and third-party/ of this repo as include_directories() in specific model project cmake, it should work.

The workflow can be automated by cmake.

Plan for C++ API

  1. component selection, cmake setup, and test locally


  1. develop pipeline API (yet done) done (HDF5IO.h)

todo: (or just use Ian's c++ wrapping of python API) Pipeline API write_*() Distribution class: just use boost::random ? Parameter class unit test:

  1. integrate with EERA model,

using macro to switch between current local csv files IO, and pipeline IO

  1. result writing into HDF5 file

HDF5IO is nearly done

define h5 data types, see example EERA_types_hdf5.h using python script "hdf5_generator.py" to generate/update EERA_types_hdf5.h

Image can be pushed into HDF5, but log file may be treated as string Parameter are treated as HDF5::Table, or just as toml file Log can be store a string attribute

post-processing should not be part of C++ pipeline. Post-processing can be done in another language like R or python

  1. result push to data registry and model cross-validation: the key task is the data structure definition for parameter and result

Third-party library selection

  • HDF5: for simulation result packing

Model input format will be yaml, json or toml will not be used

  • yaml:

Since download and upload is not part of data pipeline, networking RESTFUL C++ will be removed

A more advanced C++ lib for data table as in R Table or Pandas.DataFrame

HDF5 C++ libraries

  1. Official C++ aPI There are official C API and C++ wrapper H5CPP. H5CPP is now MPI capable given c++17 capable MPI compiler

    HDF5 v1.8 has significantly difference with HDF5 v1.10 https://support.hdfgroup.org/HDF5/doc/ADGuide/Changes.html

    For Eigen::Matrix support https://github.com/garrison/eigen3-hdf5 does not work with HDF5 1.10 https://github.com/Gjacquenot/eigen3-hdf5 works with HDF5 1.10

  2. HighFive https://github.com/BlueBrain/HighFive Header-only, with T[][], boost::ublas, Eigen::Matrix, XTensor support

HDF5 file viewer on Ubuntu 18.04/20.04

Ubuntu 18.04 's hdfview from official repository has bug, it can not view the data.

pip install h5pyViewer but it is python2 only, not updated since 2015.

On ubuntu 18.04 pip3 install vitables also have some problem, pip3 can not install PyQt5, even after PyQt5 has been installed from system package manager, pip3 seems does not find it, so I download vitables.3.0.2 source code, comment out 2 lines in setup.py and install it. On ubuntu 18.04, vitables can be installed by apt-get

Command line tool h5dump is working to check h5 data structure.


This is C++ API is designed to be header-only, while dependency libraries need to be installed, see guide below. This API can be used as a git submodule, or just copy this repo folder into specific model project, and then include this folder in the project root CMakeLists.txt. Or git clone this repo as the sibling folder of model repo, e.g. EERAModel, it is just header include directionary to be sorted out in CMake

note: as git module is used, add --recursivewhen clone this repo, i.e. git clone --recursive this_repo. read more on using submodule: https://www.vogella.com/tutorials/GitSubmodules/article.html

Code structure

Generic API

  • DataPipeline.h: the generic API for all C++ models

  • Restful.h: get json or other config file by URL

  • HDF5IO.h: helper functions to ease HDF5 IO

  • code_generator/ : an independent python code generation script

  • demo/ : demo the usage of code generator for hdf5 IO

  • EERA_pipeline_demo/ : EERA model specific header and demo

  • tests/ : unit tests

Some header only libraries are downloaded and copied into this repository for the moment. git submodule add -b master https://github.com/ToruNiina/toml11.git

  • json.hpp download as a copy
  • toml.hpp git submodule
  • csv.hpp download as a copy
  • eigen3-hdf5.hpp download as a copy, with modification

Install dependency on Ubuntu 18.04/20.04

sudo apt install libssl-dev, libpoco-dev, libhdf5-dev optional: sudo apt install libeigen3-dev

RHEL/Centos 7

Centos versions are older than Ubuntu, sometimes versions cause trouble. poco-devel-1.6.1-3.el7.x86_64.rpm hdf5-devel-1.8.12-11.el7.x86_64.rpm yum install epel-release -y && yum install poco-devel openssl-devel cmake3 hdf5-devel -y

optional: yum install install eigen3-devel

This project's cmake can download and build latest HDF5 lib in local build folder.


homebrew maybe is the way to go. The dependencies name and version can be checked online https://formulae.brew.sh/formula/

If brew is not installed yet, run /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install.sh)"

Install dependencies: brew update && brew install eigen poco hdf5 openssl

On macos-latest (?), the default HDF5 version is 1.12. It is possible to install hdf5@1.10, but cmake failed to find it, version 1.12 is used.

cmake could not find OpenSSL installation, however, networking code has been turn off, will be removed later.

build with cmake

Only 2 demo cpp to test out platform cmake configuration.

Data pipeline flow

To get started, I would expected all EERA model input parameter will come in file format (restful get / local hdf5), adapted for EERA model if needed.

HDF5 write is for result, as HDF5 is good for large dataset in IO performance.

model data flow

-> download json parameters/dataset (by restful GET API) from central store this will be not part of C++ data pipeline API, it could be python.

-> parse parameters into model-specific config file (for the time being)/C++ data structure as model input (later) -> prepare dataset into model-specific input file (for the time being)/C++ data structure as model input (later)

-> model-specific simulation to generate log and result files -> model-specific post-processing into images, report files

-> packed all into one HDF5 file -> upload to central store

It is assume model needs 2 kinds of inputs

  • small textual config file to tweak model behavior
  • large dataset files

Model author will focus on model simulation code and judge the quality of result

EERA specific