A list of projects written in Caché that are openly available to use and learn from.
Name | Description |
Caché Git | Source Version Control plug-in for Caché Studio. Caché Git allows working with git-repos straight from Caché Studio. |
Cache UDL Export | Export/Import sources in UDL format for ISC Caché 2016.2 |
Cache Source Control | The simplest source control for Caché Studio |
CPM | Cache Package Manager (work in progress) |
GitHub API | Github API for InterSystems Caché |
SCMIN | Minimal source control plugin for Intersystems Caché (5.0 and higher) |
Port | Port is a VCS-agnostic Caché Studio source control utility to export or import Caché files based on projects instead of namespaces. |
GitHub Updater | Sync GitHub repositories into InterSystems Cache. |
GitHub CI | Continuous Integration for InterSystems Caché and GitHub. |
Name | Description |
Calls Map | Map methods calls in InterSystems Cache database across classes |
Class Explorer | UML Class Diagram Builder for InterSystems Caché classes (2014.1+) |
EA UML | Provides Export/Import tools from InterSystems Caché to UML Enterprise Architect. XMI 2.1. |
Class Viz | Generate diagrams to visualize relationships between Caché Classes |
Cache Ontodia | An Ontodia Class explorer for InterSystems Caché. |
Name | Description |
Visual Editor | A Web-based user interface for InterSystems Caché which allows to create and manage classes literally without touching any code. |
ATOM Language COS 1 | Atom syntax definitions for InterSystems Cache ObjectScript |
ATOM Language COS 2 | Another Cache Object Script Atom Package |
Highlight JS | Includes highlighting for Caché Object Script |
Netbeans Editor | Alternative IDE/Studio for InterSystems Caché on Netbeans Platform |
vscode-cos | Cache ObjectScript ( COS ) language support for Visual Studio Code |
Studio Themes | Different color themes for Caché Studio |
Source API | Official Caché Source Code File REST interface (documentation) |
Cosmic Web Editor | A Web-based editor for InterSystems Caché, inspired by Ace |
Web Terminal | Web-based Caché terminal for InterSystems products. Access your database from everywhere! |
Name | Description |
COS Guidlines | This is the first approximation of Caché ObjectScript guidelines we use for github.com/intersystems-ru projects. There are mandatory and recommended parts. |
Name | Description |
Web Terminal | Web-based Caché terminal for InterSystems products. Access your database from everywhere! |
Polymetric Dashboard | Fully customizable Caché system monitoring. |
Blocks Explorer | Database Blocks Explorer for InterSystems Caché |
cAdmin | InterSystems Caché Administration Mobile tool |
Globals Browser | Browser for Caché globals on JSON and Twitter Bootstrap |
Global Editor | Globals Editing Tool for InterSystems Caché |
Name | Description |
COS Faker | Generates massive amounts of fake data for Intersystems Caché |
iKnow DOC | A web application for searching in InterSystems documentation using iKnow and iFind. |
DeepSee SysMon Dashboards | A small set of DeepSee dashboards for selected system monitor metrics |
Declarative COS | DeclarativeCOS - is another view to programming on the Caché ObjectScript language. It allows you to write the code in declarative style. |
Localization Manager | Tool for translating Caché message dictionaries. |
iKNow Entity Browser | Visualizer of relations between iKnow entities. |
Yape | A pButtons extractor |
System Method Remove | Removes system ($) methods from the codebase. InterSystems Caché utility. |
Delete Helper | A Super class for adding a code-generator %OnDelete method |
CDV | Class data verifier. Utility validates Caché classes properties data according the properties type. |
MONLBL Viewer | A web UI for inspecting Caché Monitor (%MONLBL) results. |
Docker ccontanermain | The program ccontainermain allows a Caché, Ensemble or HealthShare product to run in a Docker container. Docker containers need a PID 1 or main process to hold up the container. This is what ccontainermain provides. It is developed so that one can quickly work with Caché in a Docker container vs |
AWS Caché Deployment | Collection of scripts for Automated deployment of InterSystems Caché instances into the Amazon cloud |
Remote Code Execution | Remote Code Execution for Caché. |
UConv | 8 bit to unicode globals converter |
CI Tool | The files here are for the purpose of automating the build and provision of new Intersystems Cache namespaces. This can then be integrated with Jenkins for Continous integration and agile development. |
Name | Description |
Ikon | Identicon generator for Intersystems Caché. Good to use in Mojo applications. |
Redis Cache | An implementation of a redis server speaking the redis wire portocol on Caché |
REST Forms | RESTForms is a generalized REST API backend for web applications built on InterSystems (Caché or Ensemble) backend. |
Light Pivot Table | Lightweight, fast and featured pivot table realization for Caché. |
MQTT Client | MQTT Client implemented in Caché Object Script. Fully functional sample implementation to demonstrate all kinds of MQTT Client activities (publish, subscribe). |
JavaScript ODM for Caché | JavaScript Object Data Model - easiest workflow with InterSystems Caché objects from client JavaScript or NodeJS. |
PHP EXT | Caché direct (globals) access plugin to PHP |
Log | Simple macros-driven logging system |
Document Converter | Convert documents from InterSystems Cache easily using Libra Office |
XSLFO Wrapper | Generate PDFs directly from your XSL-FO files |
Language Translator | Package for translating text, made during the hackathon in Czech Republic 2.02-3.02 |
CNA | CNA provides an interface for using native C-compatible shared libraries without anything but Caché ObjectScript code. CNA is a wrapper for libffi. CNA consists of native library (libcna) and Caché class (CNA.CNA). |
MonCaché | The main purpose of the project is implementation basic MongoDB functions using Caché as a database engine. |
Arduino Snippets | Connect your Arduino to Caché via com porrt (or usb<->com) |
Spatial Index | Create spacial indexes for Caché |
ASP.NET Identity | ASP.NET Identity Cache Provider |
LinQ API (Globals-EF) | LinQ API to work with Caché Globals from .NET Entity Framwork |
Map Reduce | Simple Map-Reduce interface implementation for Caché ObjectScript |
DeepSee Charts | AmCharts™ - popular JavaScript library for creating nice SVG Charts&Graphs. This is integration of that library into InterSystems DeepSee™ Portlets. |
DeepSee Map Russia | DeepSee Map Russia |
DeepSee Map USA | USA map in deepsee using polygons and am |
DeepSee Map Ukraine | DeepSee Map Ukraine |
CacheCrypto | The project is designed to develop the possibilities of using MS CryptoAPI for solutions based on the Cache DBMS. |
iscapi | Intermediate library between Caché and any MSCAPIv2-compatible CSPs |
SC API 4 NODE | InterSystems Atelier REST API wrapper for NodeJS. Supports v1 Atelier API. |
EWD Gateway 2 | Node.js-based EWD Gateway for MongoDB, Caché, GlobalsDB and GT.M |
Caché Web API | The API is essentially a gateway between the client and server side. The client side application will utilise the API to fetch data and post updates to the server side. |
Util Classes | A set of useful utility classes |
Make Phone Calls | Make phone calls using Twilio and Cache Objectscript |
OnFORME | Online Feedback Organization, Requesting and Monitoring for Educators |
Modest4Cache | CNA interface to Modest HTML parser/renderer with css queries support |
WebDAV | WebDAV server implementation in InterSystems Caché |
Caché Localization Manager | Tool for translating Caché message dictionaries. |
Name | Description |
Cogs JSON | A small & efficient JSON library for serialising and deserialising JSON to Caché class objects. Backwards compatible. |
JSON Adapter | A simple JSON adapter between dynamic and "regular" Cache objects and vice versa |
JSON CLS | Generate and Integrate with Caché classes from json documents over HTTP |
RESTForms | Generalized REST API backend for web applications built on InterSystems (Caché or Ensemble) backend. |
Name | Description |
CacheRESTStack | An example Angular 1.x site with a Caché REST backend. This codebase is to support the "Let's write an Angular 1.x app with a Caché REST backend" series of articles on the Intersystems Developer Community. It requires Caché 2016.2+ to compile the server components. |
TODO App | Sample todo app using AngularJS & Caché |
RESTForms UI | An implementation of RESTForms UI built with AngularJS. |
RESTForms UI React | An implementation of RESTForms UI built with React. It also uses Antd as main UI library. |
WebSockets Tutorial | Caché websockets tutorial |
WebSockets Sample | Simple WebSockets comunication example for InterSystems Caché |
Angular REST | Building Modern Web Applications - Presented at InterSystems Global Summit 2017 |
Angular Material Samples | This is a repository for the Widgets Direct sample application using Angular Material and written on top of InterSystems database technology. |
JS Tree Example | Using jstree (http://jstree.com) with Intersystems Caché |
Angular Demo on Caché | Marvel's Superheroes demo on Caché DocDM |
REST best practices | An example of a REST web service implemented with ObjectScript that demonstrates a number of development best practices. This is the companion to a live webinar presented by InterSystems Learning Services on December 7, 2017. |
File Server | A Caché File Server |
Name | Description |
iKnow Dictionary Builder | This demo application is meant to illustrate data-driven modelling, how you can use iKnow to build or refine a dictionary / taxonomy, demonstrating how our bottom-up approach complements top-down knowledge. |
iKnow Rules Builder | This demo application can be used to demonstrate how you can leverage classic iKnow matching to build composite "rules" that represent particular patterns to be extracted from natural language text. Dictionary items can be assembled into sequences of which some elements may be optional and others aren't, and take into account the negation context of matched elements. |
iKnow Set Analysis | This simple app demonstrates sample use of the InterSystems' iKnow technology for grouping records based on their contents, or more specifically the occurrence of selected entities and CRCs. |
iKnow iFind Search Portal | This demo is a basic showcase for iFind features, including dominant concepts, proximity, highlighting and result ranking. |
iKnow Extractor | This is a sample application for demonstrating how iKnow can not only be used to extract specific information elements from natural language text, but also show which entities were involved and which other entities were related to those supposedly containing the information, thereby often showing relevant contextual information. |
iKnow Social | iKnow implementation approach for social networks (vkontakte, facebook and twitter) |
iKnow iFind Portal Demo | A Search Portal demo app for iFind, part of InterSystems' iKnow technology |
iKnow Trader | Example on how to add unstructured data into an existing application, by using iKnow Rule Builder results |
iKnowDoc | Search and categorization for InterSystems Documentation with iKnow and iFind |
Name | Description |
Deep See Web | Renderer for DeepSee Dashboards in Browser with MDX2JSON as a Serverside and JS web-client. |
Deep See Maps | Map examples for DeepSee Web for different regions |
DeepSee Custom Widgets | This repository contains several examples of custom widgets for DeepSeeWeb. |
DeepSee Habr | DeepSee solution to analyze habr articles and authors |
Dsw map | Map examples of different regions to render in DeepSeeWeb |
MDX2JSON | RESTful web api for MDX2JSON transformation (also JSONP and XML/A). Also supports requests about Dashboards and Widgets. Supports Caché 2014.1+. |
DeepSee Audit | Use deeepse for caché audit. |
DeepSee Mobile | Phonegap application for InterSystems DeepSee Widgets visualization |
Name | Description |
Ticker | Integration with the API of the Moscow Stock Exchange for Caché. |
Oauth Client | Oauth Client Example |
Events Queue | Sample of making queue for processing tasks based on InsterSystems Caché %SYSTEM.Event |
STC | Many DeepSee examples |
ECP Util | Sample util for ECP solutions development |
Rule Engine | The purpose of this repository is to provide an example of how a Rule Engine can be implemented in InterSystems Caché using Object Generators. |
Global Summit 2016 | Code from Global Summit 2016 sessions (AWS,Analytics,Big Learning,Credit Card Security, Distributed SQL Security, LDAP, OAuth.) |
Pub Sub Example | The purpose of this repository is to provide a simple example of Publisher-Subscriber model implemented using InterSystems Caché. |
Name | Description |
RabitMQ Adapter | Ensemble adapter for RabbitMQ (or any other AMQP server) |
Ensemble Workflow | Restful web API for InterSystems Ensemble Workflow |
Ensemble Log Viewer | Ensemble Log Viewer with namespace support. Works on Ensemble 2013.1 and later. |
Ensemble Workflow UI | Angular UI for InterSystems Ensemble Workflow |
Ensemble Workflow BI | DeepSee Cube and sample dashboards for Ensemble Workflow. Tested on 2015.1 and later. |
Ensemble Examples | Repository showcasing Ensemble capabilities. |
Ensemble Monitor | Custom classes for monitoring Ensemble productions. University of Virginia Health System |
Ensemble REST | An example of how to use REST Operations with Ensemble |
Name | Description |
Official Intersystems Community | Numerous articles and code examples |
Caché Wiki | Contains useful snippets of code |
Link1 Link2 | Advent of Code Examples 2016 |
Link1 Link2 Link3 Link4 Link5 | Advent of Code Examples 2017 |