
Enabling Imagination: Generative Adversarial Network-Based Object Finding in Robotic Tasks

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

GAN-based Object Finding for Robotics



python 2.7

TensorFlow 0.11

[Optional] Torch is needed, if use the pre-trained char-CNN-RNN text encoder.

[Optional] skip-thought is needed, if use the skip-thought text encoder.

In addition, please add the project folder to PYTHONPATH and pip install the following packages:

  • prettytensor
  • progressbar
  • python-dateutil
  • easydict
  • pandas
  • torchfile
  • caffe

Data Follow the "Data" process of StackGAN

  1. Download our preprocessed char-CNN-RNN text embeddings for birds and flowers and save them to Data/.
  • [Optional] Follow the instructions reedscot/icml2016 to download the pretrained char-CNN-RNN text encoders and extract text embeddings.
  1. Download the birds and flowers image data. Extract them to Data/birds/ and Data/flowers/, respectively.

Pretrained Model

  • StackGAN for birds trained from char-CNN-RNN text embeddings. Download and save it to models/.
  • StackGAN for flowers trained from char-CNN-RNN text embeddings. Download and save it to models/.
  • StackGAN for birds trained from skip-thought text embeddings. Download and save it to models/ (Just used the same setting as the char-CNN-RNN. We assume better results can be achieved by playing with the hyper-parameters).
  • Image Matching model for Cifar100. Download and save it to models/.

Run Demos for Bird

  • Run sh demo/birds_demo.sh to generate bird samples from sentences. The results will be saved to Data/birds/example_captions/.(Need to download the char-CNN-RNN text encoder for birds to models/text_encoder/. Note: this text encoder is provided by reedscot/icml2016).
  • Run sh example_birds.sh in folder "Region-to-Image_Matching/example". The result images will be stored in folder "match_images"

Examples for Region-to-Image Matching for birds conditioned by "A small yellow bird with black wings and a short black pointed beak":

Examples on a Parrot Robot in real environment:


  • StackGAN: Text to Photo-realistic Image Synthesis with Stacked Generative Adversarial Networks Paper Code
  • Selective Search for Object Recognition Paper
  • Deep Learning of Binary Hash Codes for Fast Image Retrieval Paper Code