We tagged the state of this repository at the time of the ICRA / IEEE submission as ICRA-Final-Submission-March-6-2023.

ControlGym - Repo to Test New Control Strategies


  • git clone this repository
  • In the cloned ControlGym directory, run
    • git submodule init
    • git submodule update to load the submodules.
  • pip install -r requirements.txt
  • If you want GUI / rendering:
    • pip install PyQt5 or PyQt6
    • ffmpeg and latex. Look up how to do that for your OS.

Main features

  • Partial conformity to OpenAI Gym API
  • Implements batched versions of OpenAI Gym environments for model rollouts
  • Implement new controllers and MPC optimizers and test them
  • Experiment management using GUILD AI

Experiment Management with GUILD AI

We use the GUILD AI library to manage experiments and controllers. The difficulty lies in adapting the framework to suit the needs of this repository and the git submodules.

GUILD AI preserves a snapshot of the repository, so that all experiments can be re-run at a later stage.

You should pip install guildai to a local python environment. Then, the runs are saved under <<path_to_python_env>>/.guild/runs/.

The following components are important to make GUILD AI work for your workflow:

  • config.yml Main configuration file: The top section can be used to overwrite the controller, optimizer, cost function and predictor configurations. Below that, you can specify how long runs are, what to plot and how to save outputs.
  • guild.yml GUILD AI configuration file: It instructs the framework to look in the config.yml for hyperparameters
  • main.py script is called through GUILD AI

Important commands

  • guild ops: List available scripts to run
  • guild run controller_mpc:run_control: Run an MPC experiment using specification from config.yml.
  • guild run with extra args
    • guild run controller_mpc:run_control num_iterations=250: Overwrite config value of num_iterations and run.
    • guild run controller_mpc:run_control custom_config_overwrites.config_controllers.mpc.optimizer='[random-action-tf, cem-naive-grad-tf]' num_iterations=250: Overwrite the controller config with a sweep over two different optimizers. The value custom_config_overwrites.config_controllers.mpc.optimizer needs to be a nested entry within the top section of config.yml.
  • guild runs: List past runs and hyperparameters
  • guild runs rm [--permanent] <<run_hash>>: Delete a run by ID and all its saved files. I recommend using the permanent option, because otherwise runs are just moved to a .../.guild/trash/ directory.
  • guild cat <<run_id>>: Print console outputs of a run
  • guild view: Open GUILD AI dashboard
  • guild run controller_mpc:run_control custom_config_overwrites.config_controllers.mpc.optimizer='rpgd-tf' custom_config_overwrites.config_optimizers.rpgd-tf.learning_rate='[0.0001:0.5]' --optimizer gp --max-trials 10 --maximize mean_reward

Example Workflow with guild AI

  • Check all configuration files (attention, there are several) and set hyperparameters
  • In the main config.yml create blank fields for those parameters that guild AI should search over
    • These are named as custom_config_overwrites
    • num_experiments is the number of random trials per hyperparameter setting. You can decrease to get results faster, or increase for a more accurate estimate of average controller performance.
  • Disable controller_logging in the controller config to prevent a large save directory
  • Formulate a guild run instruction. In the command, you need to specify the hyperparameters that guild should search over, as well as the type of search (grid, gp optimization, etc.)
  • When the runs are done, you can see them in the guild view dashboard. If you have lots of runs saved, loading the dashboard can take a few minutes.
  • Visualize results: Copy the guild run IDs (hashes) into the Utilities/generate_reward_distribution_plots.ipynb notebook and set the hyperparameter names and values the hashes correspond to. Because there are so many possibilities what parameters to compare, this step is more manual.

Reproduction of Simulation Results using old Method

If you don't want to use guild to run experiments, you can also do this:

  • config.yml contains the right controller parameters
  • To run a standard set of simulations:
    • At the top of config.yml: Set the list of environments and controllers to run
    • python -m Utilities.run_mpc_sweep
  • To run a variation of a hyperparameter:
    • Set the variables (CONTROLLER_TO_ANALYZE, PARAMETERS_TO_SWEEP, SWEEP_VALUES) at the top of Utilities/hyperparameter_sweep.py
    • Select one environment in config.yml
    • python -m Utilities.hyperparameter_sweep
  • To evaluate the results and generate plots:
    • Set EXPERIMENT_FOLDER (within /Output), ENVIRONMENT_NAME and sweep_values (for plot labelling only)
    • Run python -m Utilities.generate_global_plots

Reproduction of Benchmarking Results

  • Forces optimizer: select optimizer: nlp-forces in Control_Toolikit_ASF/config_controllers.yml and profile step function in Control_Toolkit/optimizers/optimizer_nlp_forces.py. Licensed ForcesPRO client is required in the folder forces/.
  • RPGD optimizer: select optimizer: rpgd-tf in Control_Toolikit_ASF/config_controllers.yml and profile step function in Control_Toolkit/optimizers/optimizer_rpgd_tf.py. Note that in the first step of the RPGD optimizer, the Tensorflow computational graph is created, to get a coherent evaulation of the asyntotic computational time, it is needed to not get into account the first step.

Plots you can generate

  • If you used GUILD AI, you can plot the effect of a hyperparameter on the distribution of episode rewards (= negative costs)
    • To do so, open the Utilities.generate_reward_distribution_plots module
      • Set the GUILD_AI_HASHES of the runs you want to plot
      • Each hash refers to a set of episodes using the same hyperparameter specification
      • Set fig_title, hp_name, hp_values to set the plot annotations.
        • Example: hp_name = "learning rate" and hp_values = [0.0, 0.1, 0.5] when the GUILD_AI_HASHES contains three hashes to runs with learning rate taking those values
        • Specifying this annotation is currently done manually here, but one could implement a way to go into the guild recordings and retrieve that automatically
      • Make sure that the PATHS_TO_EXPERIMENTS links to the .guild folder within the right environment. This could be a local .env folder or a path to the conda environment used.
    • Then, run python -m Utilities.generate_reward_distribution_plots
    • Result looks like this:
      • sample reward distribution scatter plot
  • If you ran the Utilities.run_mpc_sweep module or the main module
    • You can have plots saved if you set save_plots_to_file: true in config.yml
    • Horizon cost plot:
      • sample horizon cost plot
    • Summary plot:
      • sample summary plot
    • A plot of the ages of rollout-inducing input plans before they are replaced by new input samples
