Build a RISC-V CPU core with TL-Verilog

How to start

Install makerchip IDE

pip3 install makerchip-app

Run makerchip IDE

makerchip riscv.tlv

Implementation plan


Chapter 4. RISC-V-Subset CPU

1. PC logic
2. Fetch
3. Decode logic
4. Register file read
  1. ALU
  2. Register file write
7. Branch logic
Instruction Meaning Condition Expression
BEQ Branch if equal x1 == x2
BNE Branch if not equal x1 != x2
BLT Branch if less than (x1 < x2) ^ (x1[31] != x2[31])
BGE Branch if greater than or equal (x1 >= x2) ^ (x1[31] != x2[31])
BLTU Branch if less than, unsigned x1 < x2
BGEU Branch if greater than or equal, unsigned x1 >= x2

Chapter 5. Completing Your RISC-V CPU

8. Decode logic
9. ALU

RISC-V green card

  1. Jump logic
  2. DMem