
OpenChat: Less is More for Open-source Models

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

OpenChat: Advancing Open-source Language Models with Imperfect Data

OpenChat is a series of open-source language models based on supervised fine-tuning (SFT). We release two versions (v1 and v2) models. Specifically, v1 uses only ~6K GPT-4 conversations directly filtered from the ~90K ShareGPT conversations, while v2 adopts cleaned ~80k ShareGPT conversations with a conditioning strategy and weighted loss. Despite our methods being simple, OpenChat has demonstrated remarkable performance. Our final vision is to develop a high-performance, open-source and commercially available large language model, and we are still moving on.

💥 50.9% win-rate v.s. ChatGPT on MT-bench

🚀 79.4% win-rate v.s. ChatGPT on Vicuna GPT-4 eval

🔥 87.1% win-rate v.s. Davinci003 on AlpacaEval, rank #1 of open-source models

🤗 Using ~6K GPT-4 data in v1 and ~80K cleaned ShareGPT data in v2

🕒 Padding-free training, ~1 hour for v1 and ~6 hours for v2 (8xA100 80G)



Models and Dataset

⚠️ Note: The evaluation metrics represent a quantified measure of a subset of the model's capabilities. A win-rate greater than 50% does not necessarily indicate that the model is better than ChatGPT in all scenarios or for all use cases. It is essential to consider the specific tasks or applications for which the model was evaluated and compare the results accordingly.

OpenChat v2

The OpenChat v2 family is inspired by offline reinforcement learning, including conditional behavior cloning (OpenChat-v2) and weighted behavior cloning (OpenChat-v2-w).

  • OpenChat-v2-w: ~80k cleaned ShareGPT data with conditioning and weighted loss, based on LLaMA-13B with a context length of 2048.
    • Achieves 50.9% win-rate over ChatGPT on MT-bench.
    • Achieves 79.4% win-rate over ChatGPT on Vicuna-bench.
    • Achieves 87.1% win-rate over text-davinci-003 on AlpacaEval.
  • OpenChat-v2: ~80k cleaned ShareGPT data with only conditioning, based on LLaMA-13B with a context length of 2048.
    • Achieves 48.1% win-rate over ChatGPT on MT-bench.
    • Achieves 80.6% win-rate over ChatGPT on Vicuna-bench.
    • Achieves 85.0% win-rate over text-davinci-003 on AlpacaEval.

OpenChat v1

The OpenChat v1 family is to validate the importance of data quality.

Click to expand
  • OpenChat-v1: only ~6k GPT-4 conversations, based on LLaMA-13B with a context length of 2048.
    • Achieves 73.1% win-rate over ChatGPT on Vicuna-bench.
    • Achieves 80.9% win-rate over text-davinci-003 on AlpacaEval.
  • OpenChat-v1-8192: only ~6k GPT-4 conversations, based on LLaMA-13B, with an extended context length of 8192.
    • Achieves 76.3% win-rate over ChatGPT on Vicuna-bench.
    • Achieves 79.5% win-rate over text-davinci-003 on AlpacaEval.
  • OpenCoderPlus-v1-8192: based on StarCoderPlus with a native context length of 8192.
    • Achieves 78.7% win-rate over text-davinci-003 on AlpacaEval.


Model Evaluation

We have evaluated our models using the three most popular evaluation benchmarks, including AlpacaEval, MT-bench, and Vicuna benchmarks. Here we list the minimal version of benchmarks with our released models. The full version can be found on MT-bench, AlpacaEval, and MMLU.


AlpacaEval (win rate %) MT-bench (win_rate_adjusted %) Vicuna-bench (win_rate_adjusted %) MT-bench (score) MMLU
v.s. Davinci003 v.s. ChatGPT v.s. ChatGPT
gpt4 95.3 80.6 90.0 8.99 86.4
claude 88.4 62.8 76.3 7.90 -
openchat-v2-w-13b 87.1 50.9 79.4 6.32 49.4
chatgpt (gpt-3.5-turbo) 86.1 50.0 50.0 7.94 70.0
openchat-v2-13b 85.0 48.1 80.6 6.67 49.8
openchat-13b 80.9 - 73.1 - 48.5
openchat8192-13b 79.5 - 76.3 - 45.2
wizardlm-13b 75.3 - - 6.35 -
guanaco-65b 71.8 - - 6.41 -
vicuna-13b 70.4 34.1 50.0 6.39 49.7
guanaco-33b 66.0 - - 6.53 57.6
text-davinci-003 50.0 - - - -
falcon-40b-instruct 45.7 - - 5.17 -

We are also trying to use extensive standard benchmarks to evaluate the performance of OpenChat, such as MMLU, we will release the evaluation results as soon as possible!


To use OpenChat, you need to have CUDA and PyTorch installed. You can clone this repository and install the dependencies via pip:

git clone git@github.com:imoneoi/openchat.git
pip install --no-build-isolation flash-attn
pip install -r requirements.txt

Note: FlashAttention may have compatibility issues. If you encounter these problems, you can try to create a new "conda" environment and follow the instructions below.

conda install python
conda install cudatoolkit-dev -c conda-forge
pip3 install torch torchvision torchaudio

pip install packaging
pip install --no-build-isolation flash-attn

pip install -r requirements.txt

Weights & Serving

We provide full weights of all models as Hugging Face repos. You can use the following commands to start a local API server at http://localhost:18888. Please note that models should be used under their foundation models' license.

The server is based on vLLM, to run on multiple GPUs with small VRAM, you can enable tensor parallel, e.g. --tensor-parallel-size 2

Model Size Context Weights Serve
openchat-v2-w 13B 2048 openchat/openchat-v2-w python -m ochat.serving.openai_api_server --model_type openchat_v2 --model openchat/openchat_v2_w --engine-use-ray --worker-use-ray
openchat-v2 13B 2048 openchat/openchat-v2 python -m ochat.serving.openai_api_server --model_type openchat_v2 --model openchat/openchat_v2 --engine-use-ray --worker-use-ray
OpenChat v1: Click to expand
Model Size Context Weights Serve
openchat 13B 2048 openchat/openchat python -m ochat.serving.openai_api_server --model_type openchat --model openchat/openchat --engine-use-ray --worker-use-ray
openchat8192 13B 8192 openchat/openchat_8192 python -m ochat.serving.openai_api_server --model_type openchat_8192 --model openchat/openchat_8192 --engine-use-ray --worker-use-ray
opencoderplus 15B 8192 openchat/opencoderplus python -m ochat.serving.openai_api_server --model_type opencoder --model openchat/opencoderplus --engine-use-ray --worker-use-ray

The server is compatible with the ChatCompletions protocol (please note that some functionalities are not fully supported) and the openai package. You can specify the server of openai package by setting:

openai.api_base = "http://localhost:18888/v1"

We also provide a Web UI for a better user experience, please refer to the following section for details.

Web UI

You can interact with the model using OpenChat-UI, which is a fork of Chatbot UI with support for OpenChat models.

To use OpenChat-UI, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the OpenChat-UI repo:
git clone https://github.com/imoneoi/openchat-ui.git
  1. Install Dependencies
npm i
  1. Set the API host to the local server (or the address of the OpenChat server)

Create a .env.local file in the root of the OpenChat-UI repo with the following content:

  1. Run the App
npm run dev

Model modifications

We added an EOT (end-of-turn) token to every base model. For LLaMA models, the embedding of EOT is initialized as the average of all existing token embeddings. For StarCoder models, the embedding of EOT is randomly initialized with 0.02 standard deviation.

For LLaMA-based models with 8192 context, the max_position_embeddings was set to 8192, and RoPE codes were extrapolated. An attempt to interpolate the RoPE code was made, but it resulted in a significant drop in performance without mixing pretraining data.


🤗 Converted dataset available at openchat_sharegpt4_dataset

The dataset used in the project is a cleaned and filtered version of ShareGPT, retaining only GPT-4 conversations. The original ShareGPT contained approximately 90K conversations, and only 6K cleaned GPT-4 conversations were retained for fine-tuning.

The cleaned GPT-4 conversations were combined with conversation templates and end-of-turn tokens, then cut to the context limit of the model (further content was simply discarded).

To run the data pipeline, execute the following command:

./ochat/data/run_data_pipeline.sh INPUT_FOLDER OUTPUT_FOLDER

The input folder should contain a ShareGPT folder with .html files for each ShareGPT conversation page inside.

The data pipeline consists of three steps:

  • Cleaning: HTML cleaning and conversion to Markdown, removing conversations with the wrong format, removing conversations with blocked words, and hash-based exact deduplication
  • Filtering: Preserving only conversations marked as Model: GPT-4
  • Converting: Converting and tokenizing all conversations for finetuning

The final converted dataset follows the format:

MODEL_TYPE.train.json / .eval.json

    [token_id_list, supervise_mask_list],
    [token_id_list, supervise_mask_list],

MODEL_TYPE.train.text.json / .eval.text.json

Plain text decoded from token_id_list

Dataset visualization

We provide a tool for visualizing the embeddings of conversations. To use this tool, open ochat/visualization/ui/visualizer.html using a browser and drag MODEL_TYPE.visualizer.json into the webpage. Click on 3D plot points to show the corresponding conversation.

The embeddings are created using openai_embeddings.py to calculate embeddings of conversations, then UMAP dimension reduction and K-Means coloring with dim_reduction.ipynb.



OpenChat V2 leverages padding-free training and Multipack Sampler, achieving a 3x speedup compared to the last release. Now the V2 series can be trained in 6 hours and the V1 series in 1 hour.

The hyperparameters used in training the models are listed as follows:

Per-GPU Batch Size Learning rate Epochs Warmup Ratio Weight decay
14 2e-5 V1: 5, V2: 3 0.03 0

To train using 8xA100 80GB:


deepspeed --num_gpus=$NUM_GPUS --module ochat.training_deepspeed.train \
    --model_type MODEL_TYPE \
    --model_path imone/LLaMA_13B_with_EOT_token \
    --save_path TARGET_FOLDER \
    --epochs EPOCHS \
    --data_path DATASET_PATH \
    --deepspeed \
    --deepspeed_config ochat/training_deepspeed/deepspeed_config.json

Please use LLaMA with end-of-turn token weights as the base model and tokenizer, as described in Model modifications section.


The same routine as ChatGPT / GPT-4 was used to run other benchmarks or evaluations such as AlpacaEval. Simply run the API server and set the openai.api_base of the benchmark program.


Foundation Model Limitations Despite its advanced capabilities, OpenChat is still bound by the limitations inherent in its foundation models. These limitations may impact the model's performance in areas such as:

  • Complex reasoning
  • Mathematical and arithmetic tasks
  • Programming and coding challenges

Hallucination of Non-existent Information OpenChat may sometimes generate information that does not exist or is not accurate, also known as "hallucination". Users should be aware of this possibility and verify any critical information obtained from the model.



  • Improving reasoning and math skills
  • Updating performance on more standard benchmarks
  • Training larger LLaMA models


  • Mixing SFT data with pretraining data (e.g. RedPajama)
  • Extending context by interpolating RoPE (requires mixing with pretraining data)
  • Improving conversation splitting


Our weight license is subject to their corresponding base model. For example, OpenChat and OpenChat-8192 are the same as the model License of LLaMA for non-commercial use only, while OpenCoderPlus is under the License of StarCoder. Furthermore, we should follow Privacy Practices of ShareGPT. The code is released under Apache License 2.0.


💓 We are a student team from Tsinghua University. Considering that we hope to further move on our OpenChat, we need support for more computing power or LLMs API keys. If you are interested in our OpenChat, welcome to contact Wang Guan (Project Leader; imonenext@gmail.com) or Cheng Sijie (LeslieCheng0701@outlook.com).


  title = {{OpenChat: Advancing Open-source Language Models with Imperfect Data}},
  author = {Wang, Guan and Cheng, Sijie and Yu, Qiying and Liu, Changling},
  doi = {10.5281/zenodo.8105775},
  url = {https://github.com/imoneoi/openchat},
  version = {pre-release},
  year = {2023},
  month = {7},


We thank the great work by LLaMA, self-instruct, FastChat (Vicuna), Alpaca and StarCoder.

We also thank the great support by GPT Desk Pte. Ltd. and Tsinghua Laboratory of Brain and Intelligence (THBI).