Reading Images and Poses from ROSbag

  • (opt)Record ROSbag

    rosbag record --lz4 --repeat-latched /tf /tf_static /locobot/camera/aligned_depth_to_color/camera_info /locobot/camera/aligned_depth_to_color/image_raw /locobot/camera/color/image_raw
  • Installing Compilation Tools

    sudo apt install -y python3-wstool python3-catkin-tools
  • Creating a ROS Workspace

    mkdir catkin_ws
    cd catkin_ws
    wstool init src
  • Fetching Source Code and Compiling

    cd src
    git clone
    cd ..
    catkin build
    source devel/setup.bash
  • Getting ROSbag Data and Placing it in the ROSbag Folder

    mkdir -p ~/catkin_ws/src/rosbag_play/rosbag
    mv undist_data.bag ~/catkin_ws/src/rosbag_play/rosbag/
  • Reading ROSbag to Convert into RGB Images, Depth Images, and Poses

    cd ~/catkin_ws/src/rosbag_play/
    # if permission denied
    sudo chmod +x
    # if no tmux
    sudo apt install tmux

    After running, you will be prompted to enter the path for the ROSbag file and the target data folder path.

    To close the tmux session, enter the following in any tmux terminal:

    tmux kill-server