SeungyounShin's Followers
- 0-vortex@open-sauced
- chless
- choyi0521NCSOFT, KAIST
- Connor9994
- DJLee68Naver Clova
- goddoeNAVER Cloud, Hyperscale AI
- gomgun-lab
- gostopyThermal Geophysics Corporation
- Horse6666
- iamdrex
- jackliaoallTaiwan
- joonhyung-leeKorea University
- junoadeDONGGUK UNIV.
- Korner83
- L2zzRepublic of Korea
- licongguanBeijing Jiaotong University
- LostSunset
- mgp87Madrid
- mrj31Chicago
- mydearlutein
- parkmingyun99Dongguk University
- paulpierre@superhumancorp
- rampallKrakow, Poland
- rorypeckChina
- shuxiaokaiM78 Nebula
- Sprinter1999AMD
- super-crayfish
- supermario-ai@sm-da
- TukBang
- wagonz
- we1l1n
- wildabrekGame and AI Works
- witchfindertrlondon
- wujeke41f
- y0-0nRobot Intelligence Lab
- yangchiyenTaichung, Taiwan