
creating a graphical human using c++

Primary LanguageC++


creating a graphical human using c++

Project Name: 3D Geraphical Human Shape


This project aims to create a 3D human shape graphical representation using C++ and DirectX, along with the libraries #include <gl/GL.h> and <GL/glut.h>. The project involves utilizing computer graphics to render a interactive 3D model of a human figure.


To run the project, ensure that you have the necessary tools and libraries installed on your system. This includes a C++ compiler, DirectX SDK, and OpenGL/GLUT libraries.


  1. Clone the project repository to your local machine.
  2. Open the project in your preferred C++ development environment.
  3. Compile and build the project using the necessary build tools and configurations.
  4. Run the executable to view the 3D human shape graphical representation.


  • C++ compiler
  • DirectX SDK
  • OpenGL/GLUT libraries


Contributions to the project are welcome. If you would like to contribute, please fork the repository, make your changes, and submit a pull request for review.