- 4
Incorrect Aspect Ratio
#22 opened by ColossusSteppes - 2
- 4
Game crashes on first level
#20 opened by floweywastaken - 2
No UI in Levels
#19 opened by Grip555 - 2
Full Japanese "Retranslation" Support
#8 opened by dreamsyntax - 2
Melee attack won't work
#18 opened by Robo-man123 - 2
Cannot patch ISO
#16 opened by Blastinburn - 2
batch file failing even with correct iso
#15 opened by explosionenjoyer - 8
Random crashes, especially in cyber levels
#14 opened by gamerbloxed - 1
[REQUEST] Xbox port of this mod
#13 opened by Hydra-Spectre - 2
#12 opened by bruhicantthinkofauser - 8
Contributing Guideline
#10 opened by WiLuX-Source - 1
- 1
- 1
Save Data not loading.
#6 opened by GokaiSanyu - 1
- 0
Guess the mods dead?
#4 opened by NikkMann - 0
Any news about mod ShdTH-Reloaded?
#3 opened by MiraiFoxx - 6
- 2