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1. Prerequisites
ubuntu 16.04 + ROS Kinetic
2. Usage
cd catkin_ws/src
git clone
cd ..
source devel/setup.bash
roslaunch example.launch
A rosbag includes laser scan and odometer data(left & right wheels' velocity). Please check the topic name with launch file.
*Note that we use rostopic type geometry_msgs::Vector3Stamped to record odometer's raw data, for other types please modify the code.
Extrinsic parameters between LiDAR and odomter(x, y, yaw), intrinsic paramters of odomter(left & right wheels' radius, track between two wheels) and related uncertainty analysis.
3. Authors
Zhijie WANG, Research Intern at Megvii, will graduate from Beijing University of Posts & Telecommunications with a bachelor degree in July 2019, contact with (paul dot wangzhijie at outlook dot com).
Yijia HE, you can find the chinese version in his homepage, if you have any question, please contact (heyijia_2013 at 163 dot com)
Xiao Liu, his homepage
4. References
Censi, Andrea, Franchi, Antonio, Marchionni, Luca & Oriolo, Giuseppe (2013). Simultaneous calibration of odometry and sensor parameters for mobile robots. IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 29, 475-492.