#GTM_DesignSim: The Generic Transport Model

The GTM_DesignSim is a batch simulation intended for design and analysis of flight control laws. It models the dynamics of a 5.5% scale model of a generic transport aircraft. It was developed to allow fault accomodating control algorithms to be developed and refined in simulation before being tested on an experimental subscale model.


Cunningham, K., Cox, D. E., Murri, D. G., and Riddick, S. E., “A Piloted Evaluation of Damage Accommodating Flight Control Using a Remotely Piloted Vehicle,” AIAA-2011-6451, AIAA Guidance, Navigation, and Control Conference and Exhibit, Portland Oregon, August 2011."

and the references therein for a summary of the research.

The simulation, however, was released as open-source and has been found useful in many other applications where a non-linear large-envelope flight dynamics simulation is required.