
Still written logCPM in expression description even when transform=FALSE

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Update: original message below but in the meantime I realised data plotted were the expected ones (i.e. table data without transformation when transform=FALSE). So the only problem is that it's still writting log-cpm in the description when hovering over the dots in expression plot. Not a big deal but maybe still worth fixing.


Thank you very much for this amazing tool!!!

I'm trying to use it to plot already normalised data with glMDPlot and I noticed that the expression graph on the right always shows log-CPM values, even if I use the options "transform=FALSE" and "side.log=FALSE". See code and illustration below. Happy to provide a mock dataframe and matrix if needed.

Am I doing something wrong ?

Thank you very much,


Code used to produce the html report:

pVal_TRUE_na %>% 
  glMDPlot(xval = "pvalue_F", yval = "baseMean",
           counts = FilteredNormalisedMatrix,
           anno = pVal_TRUE_na,
           samples = NormGroupDF$Samples,
           groups = NormGroupDF$Group,

Example of output:



related to #61 and maybe also to #145 (?)