
This project is based on darknet to get image segmentation

Primary LanguageC


This project is based on darknet to get image segmentation

1、"make -j8"
-----compile the source code

2、"./darknet segmenter train the/path/to/cfg/data the/paht/to/cfg/file the/path/to/weights/files"
------train on your own data

3、"./darknet segmenter test the/path/to/cfg/data the/path/to/cfg/file the/path/to/weights/files the/path/to/image "
------test your trained network

4、 "python ./scripts/get_mask.py"
-----this python script is to get mask

The test video is here:https://youtu.be/IWgyoBr6CZI

input image: Image text binary image: Image text output image: Image text