
Demo software for rocon milestones.

Primary LanguageEmberScript

Demo concert


  • Pickup Delivery
    • concert_common_services/pickup_delivery
  • VM Delivery
    • concert_common_services/vm_delivery
  • Welcome
    • concert_common_services/welcome


Rocon Install

Demo Concert Install

    > cd <your rocon workspace>
    > cd src
    > wstool merge https://raw.githubusercontent.com/robotics-in-concert/rocon_demos/demo_concert/rosinstall/demo_concert.rosinstall
    > wstool update -j10
    > cd ..
    > yujin_make --install-rosdeps
    > yujin_make
    > . .bashrc

Authoring tool installation

  1. Install Node
  2. Install rocon_authoring dependency
    > roscd rocon_authoring
    > npm update
  1. Note that npm update would ask sudo access to install node-canvas dependency


  • Configure ROS environment variables and concert name
     > export ROS_HOSTNAME=<your pc ip>
     > export ROS_MASTER_URI=<concert pc ip>
     > export CONCERT_NAME=<concert name>
  • Import workflows in local database
    > roscd rocon_authoring
    > ./rocon_authoring_cli.js -a <FULL_PATH_TO_WORKFLOW>
  • Demo concert includes three workflows
    • <Path to concert_common_services>/services/pickup_delivery/pickup_delivery_wf.json
    • <Path to concert_common_services>/services/vm_delivery/vm_delivery_wf.json
    • <Path to concert_common_services>/services/welcom/welcom_wf.json
  • Use the following command to verify whether workflows are loaded or not.
    > ./rocon_authoring_cli.js -l
  • If importing workflows is success, you can see following message.
    > d51b32f66455688b095416dbb6ab45c3 : common_func
      7e0b3debffa794ca7121cb1d5395dfe7 : pickup_delivery_wf
      <uuid> : <workflow name 1>
      <uuid> : <workflow name 2>
  • Import world canvas database
    > roslaunch demo_concert concert.launch --screen
    > rosservice call /software/world_canvas/yaml_import `rospack find demo_concert`/annotations/yujin_rnd_fulldb.yaml


Pick up only solution

  • Configure the pick up service environment
    > roscd demo_concert/configurations
    > source pickup_online_webapp.sh
  • Start pick up service with following command
    >  rocon_launch demo_concert pickup_sim.concert --screen
  • Pickup order

    • Open Web Remocon(http://remocon.robotconcert.org) web remocon intro

    • Click the + and add the your master ip of concert (default: ws://localhost:9090)

    • Click the connect to connect concert add master

    • To open order app, choose the role customer, interaction pickup delivery order and start app pickup order app launching pickup order app

  • Delivery Monitor

    • To launch delivery monitor app, choose the role manager, interaction pickup delivery monitor and start app pickup monitoring launching pickup monitoring