- 2
Bad RBI for activerecord when the bundle includes flipper-active_record 1.3.1
#2016 opened by olivier-thatch - 2
Rails 7.2.1 to upgrade: Unable to resolve constant GeneratedRelationMethods
#2048 opened by lavoiesl - 12
- 1
- 7
`tapioca gem` mishandling interface in local gem
#2033 opened by aalong-tr - 3
ActiveRecord Column DSL: Support ActiveRecord::Type::Json and ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::PostgreSQL::OID::Jsonb
#2023 opened by marknuzz - 1
RBI gem generation test is failing on CI but not locally
#2025 opened by egiurleo - 2
Invalid type for `Tapioca::Dsl::Helpers::ActiveRecordColumnTypeHelper#column_type_for`
#1997 opened by cquinones100 - 1
- 1
attr_* signatures are not being extracted with `tapioca gem` with hand rolled types
#2020 opened by ryanong - 4
Segfault running tapioca dsl
#2018 opened by natematykiewicz - 1
RBI: getter methods on belongs_to associations have returns(T.nilable(...)) as sig but belongs_to reflection is not optional
#2013 opened by thierry-tranchant - 1
Tapioca generates empty RBIs; cannot debug
#2011 opened by jplaisted - 0
- 5
Allow user to override raw github sources
#1992 opened by glyh - 2
- 1
- 3
- 1
- 1
Skip auto-generation for methods with annotations
#1986 opened by amomchilov - 2
- 0
- 22
- 11
`Tapioca::Compilers::ActiveRecordExtensions` fail to generate for `ActionMailbox::InboundEmail`
#1951 opened by nyghtly-derek - 0
Investigate Bundler 2.5.12 failures
#1926 opened by KaanOzkan - 2
- 5
- 2
`NameError: uninitialized constant` when trying to generate DSL for ERB fixture that references env constants
#1938 opened by eapache-opslevel - 7
update activerecord.rbi to account for new preferred method for model validations
#1932 opened by mikeheft - 0
- 3
`tapioca dsl` fails on Rails 6.1 models due to ActiveRecord::Encryption reference
#1913 opened by aalong-tr - 2
`ActiveRecord::TypedStore` DSL compiler does not respect `array: true` for columns
#1910 opened by ipvalverde - 0
DSL compiler for `GraphQL::Schema::ObjectType`
#1920 opened by JacobyJoukema - 0
Rewrite `attr_reader` and friends into `def` methods
#1918 opened by amomchilov - 1
Add `tapioca dsl` support for gems
#1894 opened by dirceu - 1
Check expected assertions in CI
#1869 opened by KaanOzkan - 0
Breaking changes for Rails fixtures
#1893 opened by ltribolet - 0
`bin/tapioca dsl` failing on undefined method `silenced=` for class `ActiveSupport::Deprecation`
#1890 opened by bravehager - 2
Best practices for debugging custom compilers
#1842 opened by cquinones100 - 4
- 2
Better support for testing third-party compilers
#1865 opened by franklinhu - 1
Tapioca automatically converts nested style to compact style, causing 'Unable to resolve constant $class' error in RBI
#1861 opened by hiko1129 - 6
- 1
Running the DSL command exits with internal error
#1874 opened by robthornton - 4
Invalid RBI for Prism?
#1862 opened by andyw8 - 0
kaminari pagination is not supported by tapioca
#1859 opened by lavoiesl - 2
`bundle exec tapioca gems --all` calls minitest internally and fails due to invalid option "-all"
#1848 opened by ric2b - 1
`Tapioca::Dsl::Compilers::Protobuf` failing in 0.13.0
#1847 opened by mmenanno - 2
v0.13.0 - Parsing errors
#1841 opened by alex-tan - 0
v0.13.0 - Errors with custom ID types in ActiveRecord
#1845 opened by leifg