- 1
Duplicate help tag g:echodoc#type
#101 opened by Coacher - 1
Autocompletion with deoplete.nvim becomes sluggish
#98 opened by m-zat - 8
Not showing arguments with deoplete + rtags
#97 opened by qwence - 10
Multiline functions in Elixir
#96 opened by giddie - 5
- 6
disappear after a arg
#92 opened by v6cc - 8
Echodoc breaks i_0_CTRL-D
#91 opened by fenuks - 2
rust template parse
#88 opened by bstaint - 0
echodoc failed on golang
#87 opened by hungrybirder - 3
- 1
- 0
doesn't parse a(n, m)
#84 opened by bstaint - 1
- 7
wrong trigger time
#82 opened by bstaint - 1
A parameter split error occurs when inputing a comma char as a parameter(C/C++/JS)
#79 opened by RickoNoNo3 - 4
- 9
#73 opened by blayz3r - 5
Anyway to automatically expand floating window
#76 opened by Noah11012 - 0
#75 opened by Kogia-sima - 6
Function signatures are hidden by ...
#74 opened by tomgeorge - 4
- 1
Improve README for less experienced users?
#67 opened by brunobely - 3
signatureHelp Fortran functions
#69 opened by mcocdawc - 3
- 4
Cannot get echodoc to work with deoplete-tabnine: empty function signature hint
#66 opened by flowchartsman - 3
Cannot get the plugin to work with deoplete
#64 opened by wallace11 - 9
- 5
Doesn't work with Rust/deoplete/racer
#37 opened by rivertam - 1
InsertEnter does not trigger echodoc
#62 opened by qbedard - 3
How to work with `add(2)(3)` syntax
#61 opened by aecepoglu - 1
Does this work require Deoplete?
#60 opened by Ryanauger95 - 2
"E474: Attempt to decode a blank string"
#58 opened by oblitum - 14
Provide support for patching/cleaning signatures?
#57 opened by oblitum - 2
duplicated arrow when trailing part of function prototype already comes with one
#55 opened by oblitum - 3
Echodoc does not show function signatures
#54 opened by landge - 0
support for a function call format
#53 opened by skouliou - 1
Issues with ocaml merlin + deoplete
#52 opened by rachitnigam - 0
- 1
Isn't displaying function signatures
#50 opened by sabetAI - 1
Support omni autocompletion?
#48 opened - 3
Overload args of a function
#47 opened - 1
- 1
- 3
[Help] How to get echodoc work?
#44 opened - 8
Displays the selection index and the number of matches instead of the function type
#42 opened by EdmundsEcho - 12
doesn't work with YCM for python3?
#41 opened by NewUserHa - 1
Ignore "self" for python methods
#39 opened by sassanh - 1
- 1
- 12
Don't open bracket.
#35 opened by karambaq