SDE - II @ Craftsmen | Python | Js | Ts | AWS Serverless
@CraftsmenLtd ⇋ @cuttingroomDhaka, Bangladesh
Pinned Repositories
This repository will contain all my api collection that I'll be using throughout different projects.
asoChatKori is a chat web created for communicating with friends and families. It uses encryption technology where the key value for encryption and decryption is unique for each text message. So the pattern is unbreakable. And even if it is breakable you need to break the code for each text since the key value is different for each text.
Codeforces profile analyzer is a website for analyzing codeforces data including (rating, submissions, friends, tags etc). You can check your own profile as well as others. Also you can compare any two codeforces users.
This repository contains solution of programming problems that I have solved across Codeforces, Hackerrank, Toph etc.
This repository contains codes for my new project Twing which is an anonymous messaging/feedback app. With this web app the user's can create an account and share their profile url to get anonymous feedback from friends. Any user's can send anonymous message to other user's using the shared profile url.
A portfolio site of mine created in ReactJs. This portfolio site provides relevent information about my education and work details, resume, contact details, skills and so on. I'll keep updating my portfolio based on ongoing events.
This repository contain codes for a super interactive todo list project with basic operations (Add/Delete/Edit/Done). The frontend is coded using ReactJs and for backend django is being used and they are connected using django rest framework.
About me, statistics and code time
A URL shortener focused mainly on convenient supply of short url and real time dashboard which makes this shortener unique than most other traditional URL shortener. In this URL shortener the user can short their long and ugly URLs and share them with friends and work. Trim URL keeps track of the user interaction and shows graphical representation of url behaviour thereafter.
Words With Meraki is a company blog where multiple user can write blog. It can be user as a community blog where only authorized personnel can do all the administrative works. The readers on the other hand can read blogs on the go.
Shovon588's Repositories
This repository contains solution of programming problems that I have solved across Codeforces, Hackerrank, Toph etc.
About me, statistics and code time
This repository will contain all my api collection that I'll be using throughout different projects.
asoChatKori is a chat web created for communicating with friends and families. It uses encryption technology where the key value for encryption and decryption is unique for each text message. So the pattern is unbreakable. And even if it is breakable you need to break the code for each text since the key value is different for each text.
An updated version of the classic "Basic Computer Games" book, with well-written examples in a variety of common MEMORY SAFE, SCRIPTING programming languages
Codeforces profile analyzer is a website for analyzing codeforces data including (rating, submissions, friends, tags etc). You can check your own profile as well as others. Also you can compare any two codeforces users.
This repository contains codes for my new project Twing which is an anonymous messaging/feedback app. With this web app the user's can create an account and share their profile url to get anonymous feedback from friends. Any user's can send anonymous message to other user's using the shared profile url.
A portfolio site of mine created in ReactJs. This portfolio site provides relevent information about my education and work details, resume, contact details, skills and so on. I'll keep updating my portfolio based on ongoing events.
This repository contain codes for a super interactive todo list project with basic operations (Add/Delete/Edit/Done). The frontend is coded using ReactJs and for backend django is being used and they are connected using django rest framework.
A URL shortener focused mainly on convenient supply of short url and real time dashboard which makes this shortener unique than most other traditional URL shortener. In this URL shortener the user can short their long and ugly URLs and share them with friends and work. Trim URL keeps track of the user interaction and shows graphical representation of url behaviour thereafter.
Words With Meraki is a company blog where multiple user can write blog. It can be user as a community blog where only authorized personnel can do all the administrative works. The readers on the other hand can read blogs on the go.
Coronainfobd is a website where you can see all the information about corona virus cases in Bangladesh. The information is provided with various chats and visualization technique. There is also a severity map where location based cases can be seen.
This is a test blogging web app that I built during probational period of my Field Buzz days. Much focus was not given to designing and stuffs. Rather importance was given to database designing.
Assignment task for Field Buzz recruitment.
This repository contains code for Handwritten Bangla Number Recognition using Convolutional Neural Network. I have used the Numta dataset for training purpose.
The reporsitory contains different approach (beginner to advanced) to solve the house pricing dataset. The target was to find minimum error between the actual price of a house and the predicted price based on some parameters.
An open source project for optimized itinerary on Google Maps.
This repository will contain miscellaneous codes. Something that I neither could fit in other repository nor is compatible for a whole repository.
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Source code for pig dice game.
Here we are going to make some python projects during Quarantine time
React Weather App is an interactive weather forecasting app developed using ReactJs and Openweathermap api. The app will provide you with the current weather details interactively upon typing on the search box. It will immediately return the matched location based on the search and show the result. Also the app will change it's background upon the weather. There is different background available right now (rain, snow, drizzle, haze, fog and so on).
The reporsitory contains different approach (beginner to advanced) to solve the famous titanic dataset. The target was to find out wheather a passenger will survive in titanic or not based on some given parameters.
A TODO application in ReactJS to implement CRUD functionalities. User will be able to search, sort and filter data. The following endpoint: has been used for data and mock REST API. Technology used: ReactJs, TypeScript, Redux, React Thunk etc.
toDoList is your mate for keeping track of your day to day to-do work. You can add a todo item, delete it, or even mark it as done when it is done. More features coming!
The idea of this project is to visualize different algorithms to understand them better. For example, we will visualize how the merge sort actually works or maybe graph and so on.
This repository contains a number of automation technique using Selenium and BeautifulSoup. The scripts shows how to use selenium and beautiful soup to automate the web browser in many use cases. This should give you some broad idea about the capability of web automation. However some of the scripts can potentially be used for spamming. You are being requested not to use any of this script for spamming. Even if you do, do it on your own responsibility. The author won't be responsible for any consequences.