
Assignment task for Field Buzz recruitment.

Primary LanguagePython

Field Buzz Recruitment

Applicant: Md. Minul Islam Shovon

Email: mainulislam588@gmail.com | Phone: +8801952885804

If you are looking into this repository, that means I did submit my information successfully. GREAT!

I'll walk you through the process of how to get this repository running. Assuming that you have python installed in your machine and you also enabled pip and installed virtualenv python package in your machine.

# Step 1: Getting Started

  • Open a command prompt, navigate to a directory and run "git clone https://github.com/Shovon588/FieldBuzz.git" to clone the repository.
  • This will create a directory called FieldBuzz in your machine. Navigate to that directory, create and activate a virtual environment.
  • Make sure you have a requirements.txt file in your current working directory and run "pip install -r requirements.txt". This will install all the dependency packages needed for this project.

# Step 2: Running the project

  • Now that all the dependencies have been installed do a "python manage.py migrate" command and then do a "python manage.py runserver" command.
  • Make sure to run the migrate command and this will start a local server on port 8000.
  • Open a web browser of your preference and open "" this address which will take you to a login page.

# Step 3: Submitting Information

  • For this step you need to have a valid Field Buzz credential which I believe you have.
  • Upon proving valid credentials you will be redirected to a long form page where you can provide all the information that is mentioned in the guideline.
  • If you fill up all the required fields with valid information you will get a success message.

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