
Personal dotfiles for *nix

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


Personal dotfiles for *nix.


  1. Ensure dependencies are installed and on the path.

    # install dependencies with your package manager, e.g.
    # Debian/Ubuntu
    sudo apt install zsh git stow curl fonts-firacode
    # Arch
    sudo pacman -S zsh git stow curl ttf-fira-code
    # Fedora
    sudo dnf install zsh git stow curl fira-code-fonts
    # install rustup
    curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://sh.rustup.rs | sh
    # install starship
    sh -c "$(curl -fsSL https://starship.rs/install.sh)" -- -y
    # install prezto
    git clone --recursive https://github.com/sorin-ionescu/prezto.git "~/.zprezto"
  2. Clone the dotfiles directory and cd into it.

    cd ~
    git clone git@github.com:Shtaiven/dotfiles.git .dotfiles
    cd ~/.dotfiles
  3. For each package you want to install:

    stow -d stow -t $HOME -S <package>

    where <package> is the name of the package folder you would like to install, e.g. stow -d stow -t $HOME -S zsh.

    To install all packages, run:


    The scripts stow-all.sh and unstow-all.sh are provided to perform this operation (and undo it).

Recommended installs

* ripgrep
* fzf
* bat
* zoxide
* tmux
* exa