
Christopher Shumaker's Online Portfolio

Christopher Shumaker

Hello and thank you for viewing my resume page. Look below for my resume and descriptions of projects. Feel free to explore the rest of my Github while you are here. Thank you again!

A Quick History

I hope you find this infographic a quick and easy way to see my experiences and endeavors! Links to the projects mentioned will be available below the infographic. If you cannot see the infographic, try reloading the page. If you still cannot see the infogrpahic, please click on the image link below. I can also send you a copy as well!

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Christopher Shumaker's Projects

I have included a brief description and links for just a few of my projects ranging from business process management and microservices to machine learning and robotics.

Build Butler 1.0

This was my first endeavor into creating a "robot brain" which uses a finite state machine to integrate various human-computer interaction tools like face detection and recognition, speech to text, and text to speech. The aim of the project is to create a fun, friendly robot that notifies team members when their software build breaks.

Build Butler 2.0

Continuing the Build Butler legacy, version 2.0 does away with the finite state machine in favor of a streaming architecture. This project is essentially an IoT project without the mobile app. It is always-on and event-sourced. Developers can subscribe to any feed they want such as audio, video, text transcription, names of faces, etc. and easily add new producers and consumers to this Kafka-based project.

Build Butler 3.0

Coming soon! Build Butler 3.0 is in progress and utilizes AWS for simplicity, scalability, and reliability. Using AWS, this project is largely configuration but I intend to post the local client for the robot and, if possible, a CloudFormations config so you can repeat it yourself.

Services involved:

  • CodeCommit & CodeBuild
  • CloudWatch
  • SNS
  • Kinesis Video & Data Streams
  • Rekognition

Architecture on AWS

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Spring Boot and RabbitMQ

Microservices benefit immensely from having an asynchronous, loosely-coupled backend means of interprocess communication. They also benefit from containerization which helps streamline deployment, scalability, and repeatable builds. This project integrates all of these aspects with Docker, Spring Boot, and RabbitMQ to create a docker-compose ready base project.

Integrated JBoss Business Process Management Server

JBoss Business Process Management (jBPM) is a great component for automating the routing and assignment of tasks using a visual flow programming approach. jBPM uses the BPMN 2.0 specification to document business processes and Drools for business rules. In version 6, jBPM offers both a "workbench" and a "kie-server" to separate scaling of workflow-authoring and workflow-execution capabilities. Version 6.5 specifically allows these two distributions to work together to provide seamless operations. This project shows how to connect them with a shared MySQL database using an easy to launch docker-compose approach.

Coursera Machine Learning

Andrew Ng's famous machine learning course was fascinating! If you would like to know what is covered, browse this project. Students, please remember your academic integrity if you wish to view this project.

Machine Learning Tutorials

This project was dedicated to implementing tutorials at machinelearningmastery.com while converting them to an iPython notebook format.