CSV file downloader

This script is designed for downloading images from the given website to jpg file. The downloading process will run in multi-thread manner. The script will detect all the available threads on your device and use all of them.

The format of the csv file should be

filename, website, filename, website, ...

The file name colum will be the filename of the download images.

How to Build

Run sh build.sh or mkdir build; cd build; cmake ..; make;


CURL library link - for downloading images from websites

[Optional] OpenCV link - with OpenCV you can set the scaling factor

How to Use

./csvdownloader [path_to_csv] [path_to_output_dir] [scale_factor]

[path_to_csv]: The path to the input csv file

[path_to_output_dir]: The path to the output folder.

[scale_factor]: (optional) scaling the image. (e.g. 0.5 )