This repository contains two main packages for ROS Noetic: polaris_sim_utils and pt_controller. These packages are designed to work together to provide utilities for the Polaris GEM e2 vehicle and to control its path tracking in a ROS environment. The main goal for this projec was develop the pt_controller package to control the Polaris GEM e2 vehicle to follow a predefined path.
The polaris_sim_utils package contains utilities and tools to launch the Polaris GEM e2 vehicle and generate some helper paths to validate the controllers provided by the pt_controller package.
- Utility Scripts: Scripts to generate helpful paths.
- Launch Files: Pre-configured launch files to execute simulation or just the controller with paths.
- RVIZ File: Custom rviz configuration to validate the path tracking, based on the rviz configuration provided by Polaris GEM e2 vehicle.
The pt_controller
package contains the implementation of a path-tracking controller for the Polaris GEM e2 vehicle. This controller is responsible for following a predefined path using feedback from the vehicle's odometry.
- Path Tracking Planner: Plans the path for the vehicle to follow.
- Path Tracking Controller: Controls the vehicle to follow the planned path by adjusting linear and angular velocities dynamically.
The pt_controller package is designed with a modular architecture to separate the concerns of path planning and path following. The main components are the PathTrackingPlanner and the PathTrackingController.
The PathTrackingController is responsible for generating the control actions (linear and angular velocities) that guide the vehicle along the path. It calculates control actions using a feedback control algorithm based on the Pure Pursuit technique.
Example Code:
std::vector<double> PathTrackingController::computeControlAction(
const std::vector<double>& position,
const std::vector<double>& lookahead_point)
if (position.size() != 3)
ROS_WARN("Position must have 3 elements: x, y, yaw.");
return {0.0, 0.0};
double robot_x = position[0];
double robot_y = position[1];
double robot_yaw = position[2];
double lookahead_x = lookahead_point[0];
double lookahead_y = lookahead_point[1];
double dx = lookahead_x - robot_x;
double dy = lookahead_y - robot_y;
double angle_to_goal = atan2(dy, dx);
double alpha = angle_to_goal - robot_yaw;
alpha = atan2(sin(alpha), cos(alpha));
double kappa = (2 * sin(alpha)) / lookahead_distance_;
double alignment_factor = cos(alpha);
double linear_speed = max_linear_speed_ * std::max(alignment_factor, 0.0);
double angular_speed = linear_speed * kappa;
return {linear_speed, angular_speed, alpha, kappa};
The PathTrackingPlanner manages the state for the PathTrackingController. It handle the execution of path tracking based on the current state of path and odometry data availability, and vehicle's goal-reaching status.
- State Management: Manages various operational states such as initialization, error handling, and successful completion of path tracking.
- Threaded Execution: Runs its monitoring logic in a separate thread to regularly check the status and progression of path tracking.
- Control Delegation: Delegates the computation of control commands to the
, ensuring that actions are based on the latest available data.
PathTrackingNode is the ROS node provided that integrates the PathTrackingPlanner and PathTrackingController. It subscribes to the path and odometry topics, updates the planner's state based on the received data, and publishes the control commands to the vehicle.
An example of the usage of the PathTrackingNode can be found in the launcher file pt_controller_example
- Initialization: Starts in the INIT state and checks for controller availability.
- State Monitoring: Continuously monitors and updates the state based on path and odometry data availability:
WAITING_PATH: Triggered if path data is missing.
WAITING_ODOM: Triggered if odometry data is missing.
FOLLOW_PATH: Engaged when both path and odometry data are sufficient for path tracking.
- Error Handling and Goal Achievement: Manages errors and checks if the goal is reached, stopping the vehicle if necessary.
PathTrackingPlanner planner(10.0, &controller, [&](PathTrackingState state){
std::cout << "State updated to: " << planner.stateToString(state) << std::endl;
Modular Design: The simulation and control logic are separated into distinct packages (
for simulation utilities andpt_controller
for path tracking). This makes the system more flexible and scalable for future developments. -
Path Following with Pure Pursuit: The control strategy for path tracking leverages the Pure Pursuit algorithm, which is simple yet effective for real-time control of autonomous vehicles. By dynamically adjusting the speed based on alignment, the controller ensures smooth and adaptive path following.
This project includes two Dockerfiles for different purposes:
The Dockerfile.Desktop configures a ROS Noetic environment tailored for the Polaris GEM e2 vehicle, featuring a full desktop installation. This setup includes all necessary dependencies and tools required for the development of the path-tracking controller.
The Dockerfile.Prod
establishes a minimal ROS Noetic environment, including core packages and dependencies necessary for the pt_controller ROS package.
This project is based on containers with ROCKER. For detailed installation instructions, please follow the steps provided in this repository to run the graphical interface ROS_Rocker_Turtlebot3SimNoetic.
Update submodules: This dekstop environment depends on the POLARIS_GEM_e2 package wich is included as a submodule. To make sure to have the latest version of this repository at catkin_ws/src folder, you can run the following command:
git submodule update --init --recursive
Build the Docker.Desktop environment:
To build the Docker.Desktop environment, you can run the following command:
Run the Docker.Desktop environment:
After building the Docker.Desktop environment, you can run the container with the following commands:
./scripts/run_cpu ## Use the CPU without Nvidia GPU acceleration
./scripts/run_nvidia ## Use the CPU without Nvidia GPU acceleration
Build the ROS packages: The container will open a bash terminal. And you will have the shared catkin_ws folder to interac with the sourcecode. You can build the ROS packages with the following commands:
bros ## It is an alias to build the ROS packages.
sros ## It is an alias to source the ROS packages.
It is important to source the ROS packages to use the ROS commands. The alias definitions can be found at the end of Docker.Dekstop file.
Launching the Simulation and Path Tracking Controller:
After run the container, a bash terminal will be opened. Then, you can launch the simulation and the path tracking controller, based on the launcher file pt_controller_gazebo.launch, with the following commands:
roslaunch polaris_sim_utils pt_controller_gazebo.launch
Build the Docker.Prod environment:
Run the Docker.Prod environment:
The pt_controller package can be exported to ROS2. It has written as a pure C++ package without any ROS1 dependencies, appart of ROS messages, with is compatible with ROS2.
Repo configurations: Path Tracking Controller Video 1
Path Tracking Controller in Action: Path Tracking Controller Video 2
Path Tracking Controller for a Sinus Path: Path Tracking Controller Video 3
This repository is integrated with GithubActions to run the tests and validate the build for the pt_controller ROS package for every pull request. The workflow can be found at ros_pt_controller.yml.
Alejandro Daniel José Gómez Flórez (aldajo92)