
A collaborative list of awesome swift resources. Feel free to contribute!

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Awesome Swift

A collaborative list of awesome Swift resources,inspired by awesome-python and listed on awesome-awesomeness.

Feel free to contribute!

Demo App

Some interesting demo/poc apps written in swift.


A list of iOS swift demo apps


A list of OSX swift demo apps

  • clock-saver - a clock screen saver for osx written in swift.

Dependency Manager

Dependency manager software for swift.

  • cocoapods - the most used dependency manager for Objective-C and now Swift projects.


An awesome list of swift related guides.


Here you can find a list of snippets and libs for your swift projects.

Auto Layout

Bored of using storyboard? Give a try to declarative auto layout libs.

  • Cartography - declarative auto layout lib for your project.
  • SwiftAutoLayout - a small DSL for autolayout.
  • Tails - declarative autolayout for ios app written in swift.
  • VFLToolbox - fancy Swift implementation of the Visual Format Language


Interesting snippets related to color management and utilty.


Deal with cryptography method easily in swift

Data Management

Core Data

No more pain with Core Data, here listed some interesting lib to handle data management.

  • QueryKit - an easy way to play with coredata filtering within your swift projects.


Struggling using json data? Here you are some interesting way to handle it.


Are you interested in storing your app data using SQLite? Here some interesting resources.

Editor Support

Support for your favorite editors.


  • swift-vim - play swift with vim editor.
  • vim-swift - adds swift support to vim. It covers syntax, indenting, and more.
    • vim-polyglot - language pack for vim that includes vim-swift.


A collection of font related snippets.


Do you need any framework?


Interested in using iBeacon in your swift project? Here some interesting resources.

  • iBeacon - iBeacon implementation in swift.


An interesting list of image related libs..


Do you want to create your own customized keyboard? Here some interesting resources


  • swix - A general matrix language.


A list of libs that allow you to decrease the amount of time spent to deal with http requests.


A collection of testing frameworks.

  • Sleipnir - BDD-style framework for Swift.
  • Swiftest - experimental BDD-style framework.
  • Quick - Quick is a behavior-driven development framework for Swift and Objective-C.


A collection of pre-packaged transitions & cool ui stuffs.


Some interesting utilities that help you in your projects

  • __ - Underscore.js power in your swift projects.
  • Async – Syntactic swift sugar for Grand Central Dispatch
  • AwesomeCache - manage cache easy in your swift project.
  • BrightFutures - promise and future lib for swift.
  • CLKit - a way to create cli with swift.
  • Collection Each - add each func to collections.
  • Dollar - a lib similar to Lo-Dash or Underscore in Javascript.
  • ExSwift - a set of swift extensions for standard types and classes.
  • PromiseKit - async promise programming lib.
  • Pythonic.swift - Pythonic tool-belt for Swift: a Swift implementation of selected parts of Python standard library.
  • SpecificationPattern - chainable rules useful for form validation.
  • Swiftz - a lib for functional programming.
  • Swift Sugar - objsugar ported to swift.
  • Wyrd - Asynchronous programming in Swift made easy. Wyrd is inspired by Promises/A+.
  • XCGLogger - a lib that help you handling better debug logging.


Do you wanna host a webserver in your device? Here you can find some tricks to do it.

  • swifter - Http server written in Swift with routing handler.


System related libs.


  • swift-smc - Read temperature sensors, fan RPM, etc.