LASER Dynamics Simulation - Politecnico di Milano

The included script is a simplified LASER dynamics simulation written in Matlab as an assignment for the course of "Dispositivi per la Trasmissione dell'Informazione" at Politecnico di Milano.

The algorithm is based on the Cellular Automata Model, and was heavily inspired by "Laser Dynamics Modelling and Simulation: An Application of Dynamic Load Balancing of Parallel Cellular Automata", a paper available at

The repository contains both a Matlab implementation and a Java implementation. The latter was created later in the project development in order to increase the performance of the numerical computations.

How to navigate the repository

This repository contains several folders:

  • Matlab Code: contains the simulations scripts alongside the graphs generation scripts
    • base_project: script for running a single simulation with the same rules and descriptors mentioned in the reference paper.
    • perfected_project: includes the perfected version of the cellular automaton (different from the reference paper, this is our addition) and user input parameters.
  • Java Code: contains an IntelliJ Idea project with different methods for running different numerical simulations. This code runs much faster than the Matlab simulations.
  • Presentations: contains the Powerpoint Presentation, the Word essay and some notes taken during the development.
  • Simulations: contains various screenshots of some of the simulations we run. It also contains text files with the descriptions of the parameters used.

Authors of this project: