
Moho Pro - 2D/3D BVH mocap Bone Import and Animation



Moho Pro - 2D/3D BVH mocap Bone Import and Animation


  • version: MH12 01.00.000 #470402.01 -- by Sam Cogheil (SimplSam)
  • release: v1.0.0

How do I get set up ?

  • Download latest release from: https://github.com/SimplSam/moho-bvh-bones/releases/download/latest/ss_bvh_bones.zip

  • To install: (0) - Save the folder 'SS BVH Bones' and files to your computer file system
    (1) - Perform either 1a, 1b or 1c
    (1a) - Moho12/AnimeStudio11 (Tool): Run the [Scripts] > [Install Script...] and select the subfolder 'SS BVH Bones - Tool'
    (1b) - Moho12/AnimeStudio11 (Menu): Run the [Scripts] > [Install Script...] and select the subfolder 'SS BVH Bones - Menu'
    (1c) - AnimeStudio10 (Menu): Manually copy the file 'ss_bvh_bones.lua' into your scripts/menu/Tools folder (you may need to create 'Tools')
    (2) - Reload Moho/AnimeStudio scripts (or Restart Moho)

  • To use: (3) - Click the "BVH Bones" icon in the Tools panel -or- Select "BVH Bones" via the [Scripts > Tools] menu
    (4) - Click "Browse ..." select a .bvh file and then click [OK]
    (5) - Enjoy the magic!