- 2PacIsAliveUnited States
- abhshkdzFAIR, Meta AI
- amadeuzou
- cslxiaoChina
- dasguptarMicrosoft AI and Research
- debidattaCMU
- dexter1691Georgia Tech
- djbailey
- dongzhuoyaoWhu->PKU->University of Amsterdam-> LMU
- esafakArchipelago AI
- handong1587
- IgnotusUniversity of Amsterdam
- indiejosephSoft Butter Studio
- jacklam718HongKong
- jin-yc10
- joelmonizCarnegie Mellon University
- libos
- LJ001
- luoyetxShopee
- Magicyu-2015
- mldsqc
- mrgloom
- onezyr
- panovrSouthwest Forestry University
- richardhahahahaZKTeco
- samuel--hu
- stephenjia
- superphil0Austria
- superYangwenwen
- tensortalkYou're on!
- wshenx
- XiaYeMuSi
- yosinskiWindscape AI; ML Collective
- Yozey
- zhangxinyu-xyzThe University of Adelaide