--------------------------------------------------------------------------- uKIN - Using Knowledge In Networks ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- I. Input There are three required input files: 1) a network file 2) a prior knowledge file containing a list of nodes (genes) known to be disease associated, possibly with weights on them 3) a file of newly implicated genes, each with a weight !!! Plus a required path to a Matlab executable since uKIN needs Matlab to do some heavy lifting of big matrices. The path should be specified as: matlab=/path/to/matlab after the three input files. Additionally, the user may provide: 5) a custom value of the restart parameter alpha controlling how much influence each type of information (prior and new) has. Default is alpha = 0.5 6) a custom value of the diffusion parameter gamma controlling how far the prior knowledge spreads. Default is gamma = 1. 7) output prefix which is used in the beginning of the name of the output file II. Output output_prefix_results.txt is written in the uKIN directory. The file contains a list of candidate genes ranked by how frequently they are visited as the guided walks reach the stationary distribution. III. How to run Simply issue: ruby uKIN.rb network_file.txt prior_knowledge.txt new_genes.txt matlab=/path/to/matlab {alpha=0.4 gamma=0.8 output_prefix=my_output} Note that uKIN is implemented in Ruby but requires Matlab for the heavy matrix operations. You can simply install Ruby via: sudo apt-get install ruby-full Matlab is typically provided for free to academic institutions. You can also download a 30 day free trial from their website. IV. Input File Formats 1. Network file: each line specifies an edge, white space delimited: GENE_ID GENE_ID 2. Prior knowledge: list of genes GENE_ID GENE_ID 3. Newly implicated genes: each line is white space delimited GENE_ID WEIGHT GENE_ID WEIGHT