================ This project is to create a working, awesome setup for Herbstluftwm, my new favorite wm.
This code's purpose is to do:
- Run the autostart file, which gets called by startx, at the time of login.
- Run a status bar.
- Create functionality for keyboard shortcuts for volume, backlight control, and launching of favorite programs.
- Dynamically apply new backgrounds using feh, creatate new X color schemes, and apply this new color scheme to the relevent programs/files (urxvt, the status bar, herbstluftwm colors)
================= The dependencies required for this to work out of the box are (as far as I know):
- feh, for assigning a new background.
- PIL, the python image library. To satisfy this in Arch Linux, get the
package. - urxvt, for the terminal.
- scrot, to take screenshots
- firefox
- lemonbar, to render the status bar
- dmenu
- libnotify, for the usage of notify-send in the low battery messages. I also use the dunst package as the backend for the notifications.
- xorg-xprop, for status bar information
- bc, for the status bar processing
- some packages for the power reading in the status bar. Currently not sure which packages hold the commands...
================= This work would not be possible without some big thanks to people:
- The Herbstluftwm team, for their base autostart file.
- Charles Leifer, whose code from this blog post does some cool stuff with images, to extract colors. Go check it out, its pretty crazy awesome.
- Reddit user /u/radiosilence, who wrote some nice code that normalizes images.
- everet1992, whose post in /r/UnixPorn inspired this mad-house project.
- z3bra, whose blog post really really helped me to create a working status bar.
If anyone else feels that they are unrepresented here, please let me know!