SLAM based on EKF using a monocular camera, optionally an IMU, and GPS data. This package has been tested in matlab 2012 on 64bit Windows 8.1.
Before running sample tests, a few packages need to be downloaded. To begin with, create a folder to contain all the related packages, e.g., matlab_ws.
#1. Dependencies
##1.1 1-Point RANSAC Inverse Depth EKF Monocular SLAM v1.01
The EKF of ekfmonoslam is based on that in 1-Point RANSAC Inverse Depth EKF Monocular SLAM v1.01. You can download the package from Extract the package, and put the EKF_monoSLAM_1pRANSAC folder into matlab_ws. Note this package contains an example sequence. Change the name of the subfolder /EKF_monoSLAM_1pRANSAC/matlab_code/@ekf_filter into /EKF_monoSLAM_1pRANSAC/matlab_code/ekf_filter
##1.2 Camera calibration toolbox for matlab
Ekfmonoslam used a couple of pinhole camera projection functions from camera calibration toolbox. From this web page, search for "download page", then download the package and extract and put it into matlab_ws, too.
##1.3 MexOpenCV and OpenCV
Ekfmonoslam used Good feature to track and Lucas-Kanade tracker in OpenCV. MexOpenCV can be forked or downloaded from Also, extract and put mexopencv into matlab_ws folder. Compile the mex files according to the instructions on
##1.4 INS toolkit (included)
ekfmonoslam also depends on the INS toolkit which can be found at Since I made much changes to instk, I included it in ekfmonoslam package.
##1.5 VoiceBox
Mike Brooke's VoiceBox are used for rotation transformations. It can be downloaded from Again, put it in matlab_ws folder.
#2. Build
Download the ekfmonoslam package, put all folders within ekfmonoslam into matlab_ws. Because there is a EKF_monoSLAM_1pRANSAC folder in this package which contains patches to 1-Point RANSAC Inverse Depth EKF Monocular SLAM v1.01, you may be prompted to replace or merge files, replace these files already in matlab_ws.
#3. Test with data
Test data due to size will be made available upon request.