- 0
C1 - custom_baudrate -
#135 opened by nathan-stewart - 0
Bugfix: openChannelAndBind() will return RESULT_OK while the opening operation actually fails
#134 opened by JohnJackal - 5
Cannot run ultra_simple
#72 opened by Lagree007 - 0
how to upload code to m2m2 lidar
#131 opened by haseebzaib - 1
S2 motor speed control
#114 opened by aalex - 0
RPLidar the best.
#130 opened by DenisDjFox - 0
Output values of sample apps apply bad scaling
#129 opened by ss32 - 3
C1 does not work with ultra_simple tests
#127 opened by alfem - 1
- 0
fatal issue at install
#126 opened by RomanOrion - 0
Shared Library Creation
#124 opened by ksankark - 3
sdk no longer working
#120 opened by egonzalez1958 - 1
Missing clearRxCache Implementation in DGramSocketImpl for macOS Causes Compilation Error
#122 opened by Eotel - 1
rplidar on Arduino Mega
#118 opened by aghasaadmohammad - 5
Mapper M2M2 Gazebo helpppppppp
#115 opened by Parkyqqq - 0
Fatel Error Vector problem
#119 opened by aghasaadmohammad - 0
Compile error
#117 opened by aghasaadmohammad - 11
unable to make the SDK
#116 opened by r8drfn89 - 2
- 1
dead SDK link
#107 opened by HourGlss - 3
RoboStudio not available
#111 opened by y-vega - 1
\Debug\ultra_simple.exe not openning
#103 opened by DucAnh-Vu-Trinh - 1
- 1
Detection of Transparent Objects on S2
#110 opened by SimoneMic - 2
Not seeing S2 lidar in Robot studio
#105 opened by ElbyB - 1
是否有. net sdk的实现
#104 opened by LUJIAN2020 - 0
Warnings with Visual Studio 2022, Warning Level 4
#108 opened by kahramonj - 2
RPlidar A1M8 Firmware Update
#91 opened by hsynklceng - 0
Quality of the received signal doesn't change
#102 opened by AlexisC34 - 2
- 1
Timing between scans is not consistent
#97 opened by sms-00 - 1
RPLidar S2 running simple_grabber
#100 opened by sramesh2002 - 0
The topic is null
#99 opened by SongJ11 - 20
- 3
Compiler error LNK2019
#71 opened by Programmer54 - 5
Compile errors on Ubuntu 22.04
#78 opened by c1505 - 1
- 0
Missing file
#93 opened by DaddddyChillll - 1
64 bits sdk version
#89 opened by Franck-J8 - 2
#73 opened by Programmer54 - 1
Error, cannot bind to the specified serial port /dev/ttyUSB0 (rplidar_sdk v2.0.0)
#92 opened by acampbellb - 1
#90 opened by ohsekang - 2
Running server for RoboStudio to connect to?
#84 opened by javadan - 0
关于RPLIDAR A Series的通讯协议高速传统模式的夹角补偿量的符号位问题
#87 opened by shq2333 - 0
- 0
Why packing the struct like this?
#81 opened by kevintsq - 0
cross compile with android
#80 opened by l376571926 - 0
TCP connection fails on mac
#79 opened by buresu - 1
RPLIDAR S2 : Error, cannot bind to the specified serial port /dev/ttyUSB0.
#77 opened by Abdulhadiasa - 0
RpLidar s2 Error, rplidar internal error detected. Please reboot the device to retry
#76 opened by vivekmange56