
Extension for 3D Slicer than installs tools commonly needed for neuroimaging.

Primary LanguageC++OtherNOASSERTION


Extension for 3D Slicer than installs tools commonly needed for neuroimaging.



The extension automatically installs these commonly used extensions: SlicerFreeSurfer, SlicerDcm2nii, SlicerDMRI, SlicerWMA, UKFTractography, HDBrainExtraction, SwissSkullStripper.

Other neuroimaging related extensions that users need to install manually: T1Mapping, T2mapping, T1_ECVMapping, DTIPrep, DTIProcess, DTI-Reg, DTIAtlasBuilder, DTIAtlasFiberAnalyzer, DiffusionQC, SlicerNeuroSegmentation, Stereotaxia, SkullStripper, BrainVolumeRefinement, SlicerNetstim.