Slyfrosty's Stars
uDork is a script written in Bash Scripting that uses advanced Google search techniques to obtain sensitive information in files or directories, find IoT devices, detect versions of web applications, and so on.
Desktop Telegram client with good customization and Ghost mode.
a CUDA accelerated litecoin mining application based on pooler's CPU miner
ASIC and FPGA miner in c for bitcoin
CPU miner for Litecoin and Bitcoin
A tool for cracking Bitcoin private keys
Password Cookies Bookmarks Creditcards Stealer script
ACTIVE: The most powerful stealer written in Python 3 and packed with a lot of features.
A Node.js package that generates valid credit card numbers, expiry dates, and CVV2 codes. The credit card numbers are valid with respect to the Luhn algorithm, and the CVV2 codes are generated using the Tripple-DES algorithm with double length keys.
A desktop application that generate a licence key for a particular application. The generated key only works for a specific user with validity.
Public release of Telepathy, an OSINT toolkit for investigating Telegram chats.
Public release of Telepathy, an OSINT toolkit for investigating Telegram chats.
The source code of main tools used in Bitcoin "non-malware-based" attacks.
Diamond Sorter is a AIO - Stealer Log Utility for checking, sorting, and cleaning Combolists, Stealer Log Cookies, Autofill Text data and more
Diamond Sorter is a AIO - Stealer Log Utility for checking, sorting, and cleaning Combolists, Stealer Log Cookies, Autofill Text data and more
Gmail-Brute Force Tool ;)
Introduction Tool-X is a Kali Linux hacking tools installer for Termux and linux system. Tool-X was developed for Termux and linux based systems. Using Tool-X, you can install almost 370+ hacking tools in Termux (android) and other Linux based distributions. Now Tool-X is available for Ubuntu, Debian etc. A similar lightweight and fast tool onex is available. We can use onex instead of Tool-X Operating System Requirements Tool-X works on any of the following operating systems: • Android (Using the Termux App) • Linux (Debian Based Systems) • Unix How to Install Open the terminal and type following commands. apt update apt install git git clone cd Tool-X chmod +x install sh install if not work than use ./install How to Use ? Enter a Number for a specific output: (1) : To show all available tools and type the number of a tool which you want to install. (2) : To show tools category. (3) : If you want to update Tool-X. (4) : If you want to know About Us. (x) : To exit the tool. Type Tool-X or toolx from anywhere in your terminal to open Tool-X. Warning We are not responsible for any misuse or damage caused by this program. use this tool at your own risk!